
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What about....Thirsty Thursday

I said to Jeff the other day - I wonder how old the average person was when they first heard the term "Thirsty Thursday"  I was 43 - what's that tell ya?  Lindsey had started college, that about sums it up, doesn't it.  Just to clarify - Lindsey is not a drinker - I'm not a naive mother, really, Lindsey is not a drinker.

If Thursday is thirsty, what is Friday, Saturday........?

I got it.......

Fuzzy Navel Friday
Sex on the Beach Saturday
Sallyhattan Sunday
Mojito Monday
Boozeday Tuesday
Winey Wednesday

So, all I'm saying is...... tomorrow's Thursday - do you feel a thirst coming on! n Cheers!

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