
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What about .... Valentine's Day

Did you remember Valentine's Day???  So did I.  I woke up yesterday morning and wished Jeff a Happy Valentine's Day to which he returned with his usual Happy Valentine's Day, Sexy (do I sometimes share too much??)  Why is it sometimes we celebrate this day and sometimes we don't?  Last night was one of those nights where we got home from work (mind you, Jeff was running late - he's still working his tractor, cooked dinner and then the highlight of the night - The Bachelor.  We get such a kick out of this show.   One guy, 15 women, one guy, 12 women until it's one guy, two woman (I like the Bachelorette better - ONE WOMAN 15 GUYS!) and the ulitmate show The Grand Finale Show where he picks just one woman and asks her to marry him and then the fairy tale really begins.

Anyway, back to Valentine's - 

Jeff to Pam on Sunday  "What are we going to do for Valentine's Day"

Pam to Jeff on Sunday  " Doesn't matter dear, I have you so everyday is Valentine's Day"

So, what is it about Valentine's Day - one day a year when we are sure to tell the special someone in our lives how much we love them.  Shouldn't every day be Valentine's Day?

1 comment:

  1. Everyday in my house is Valentines Day. I tell that special someone every day how much I love them. Wait..... maybe that's because you brought me up and showed me that everyday is the correct day to tell that special person you love them. Love you Mom and Dad!
