I had a tough time putting a title on this one. You see I have this very dear friend, a very long time friend (we've been friends for more than 30 years) and she has had one hell of a week!! She spent the week in the hospital taking care of her husband. We visited them a couple times..... the guys would talk hunting and the woman would talk...... food. In my conversations with my dear friend (you see, I wanted to take her mind away from where she was at the moment) I mentioned how much I love dark chocolate with a cup of coffee and continued to explain how it tastes when the hot coffee hits the chocolate in your mouth and.....whoops, again, I got sidetracked with food. Anyway, remember not to long ago I blogged about how people will forget what you bought them, forget what the cookies tasted like, and probably not notice how clean your house is, but they will never forget how you made them feel....... well, we stopped by on our way home and visited them again and I couldn't believe it.... she handed me four chocolates (right after she handded me a glass of wine, of course ) and told me to enjoy them with my coffee in the morning! (gives ya' goose bumps doesn't it). The past week she spent sleeping in a chair in the hospital waiting room, eating what I'm sure, is not the diet she should be eating and taking care of the man who she just celebrated 30 years of marriage, who coud hardly sit up without her help, and she hands me chocolate....... I hope someday I can make someone feel as wonderful as she made me feel with the four little chocolates, which by the way I'm enjoying right now with a hot cup of coffee and not only is the chocolate metling in my mouth, but with each bite my heart puts out a little *sigh*.........
So what about your heart, when was tha last time someone made your heart *sigh* or better yet, when was the last time you made someone's heart *sigh*........ and by the way , I highly recommed Ghirardelli peppermint bark with a hot cup of strong coffee......Thanks, Rhonda
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
What about ....???
a reminder-------
For those of you who have been here for awhile you'll remember this previous post but I'll post again for anyone else...
(old post)
What about..... this file I keep on my computer? It is a file I have labeled "daily inspirations", it has quotes and sayings that I started keeping way back in 2000. I was never sure why I kept these but I have decided that I'm gonna share. I'll post them on days when my creative writing dial doesn't turn up all the way to high.
Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes. I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.
So with that...........
Next on the list
The best things in life aren't things.
For those of you who have been here for awhile you'll remember this previous post but I'll post again for anyone else...
(old post)
What about..... this file I keep on my computer? It is a file I have labeled "daily inspirations", it has quotes and sayings that I started keeping way back in 2000. I was never sure why I kept these but I have decided that I'm gonna share. I'll post them on days when my creative writing dial doesn't turn up all the way to high.
Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes. I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.
So with that...........
Next on the list
The best things in life aren't things.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
What about.... re-decorating?
Well, I did it. I told Jeff while he was gone I was gonna re-paint my kitchen cabinets, to which I received that smirk that says (without words - ladies, you all know that smirk that we get from the men in our lives when that really don't believe us) sure you are....... But I was determined, especially after "that smirk". And I think there might just have been a little chuckle coming from him too. Anyway, this is how it started.....
and this is NOT how it ended. I was extremely disappointed in my color choice, the next time I pick out paint - I'm calling in a professional - okay I probably won't, but just let me think that for a while.
This is green - it's called carriage door and I thought it was going to be on the dark side, but low and behold it ended up looking almost pastel - and I'm not pastel (did I spell that right? oh wait, spell check, nah) So, back to the store and a gallon of paint later..... Jeff is not smirking now! With lots of help from Lindsey, a few trips to the store and an afternoon to whip up curtains (can you believe I made those curtains - in one afternoon, that's one for the record book!)
I love my new kitchen, It's funny though, most people see it and say "It's pretty but I really liked the red". I really like the red too, but I think it was time to change things up a bit (and I have a thing for green.... that must say something about me but I'm not sure what it is).
So what is it about re-decorating that brings a freshness, an uplifting, a sense of accomplishment - that when you get it done right, makes you feel ..... settled, calm or just plain at home.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
What about.... holiday stress
Stress. sserts. ertsss. tresss. esrts. Just trying to make a little scents (get it!) okay, sense out of this stupid little word. Why is it that one little word can cause such havic in our lives. The Christmas holiday is now a few weeks away and all ready we're hearing it...... "I haven't finished my shopping yet"
"I haven't started my shopping yet" I need to find the time to finish my shopping, bake my cookies, clean the house, attend church (for those of us..... never mind, don't get me started on that one. That's a whole other blog, although, I would like to find a Christmas concert in the area - anyone know one?). A wise woman once said - People will forget what you bought them, forget what the cookies tasted like, and probably not notice how clean your house is, but they will never forget how you made them feel.......
So what about your holiday priorities? Do you have them in your proper order? - Just a reminder!
"I haven't started my shopping yet" I need to find the time to finish my shopping, bake my cookies, clean the house, attend church (for those of us..... never mind, don't get me started on that one. That's a whole other blog, although, I would like to find a Christmas concert in the area - anyone know one?). A wise woman once said - People will forget what you bought them, forget what the cookies tasted like, and probably not notice how clean your house is, but they will never forget how you made them feel.......
So what about your holiday priorities? Do you have them in your proper order? - Just a reminder!
Friday, December 3, 2010
What about.....the wedding?
Anyone looking for an update??......
There will be cake!! Pastry Chef has been booked and deposit made!
There will be cake!! Pastry Chef has been booked and deposit made!
Ryan is one happy camper when there's a plate full of sweets sitting in front of him! He can't wait - just look at him.... yes, that might be drool you see
You can almost hear him go ........ yummmmmmmmm.....
happy, happy, happy
Picture worth a thousand words!!!! Remember the cookie monster from Sesame Street... I was waiting for him to say........cake, cake cake, me love cake!
Everytime I said pose with a bite the little delay on my camera took too long and one would be emtpy handed (Ryan). Well, they were small bites
Just cause the samples are gone he thinks it's time to go back to work - I caught him investigating the building, checking out the windows and floor. HEY!!! Back to the wedding Flippah!
We had a great time and very happy that we have one more thing crossed off Lindsey's list.
So, What about cake why is it that a simple piece of cake can put a smile on so many faces. You don't believe me just put one in front of anyone and watch.... the eyes light up, and the corners of the mouth start heading north. I'm not a lover of sweets so tell me people what is it...... that brings that..... Oh, wait.......if you put a bag of potato chips in front of me........ never mind I get it now - I know the feeling!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
What about....Thanksgiving
Did you give thanks this Thanksgiving?
I'm a little late - what's new!
I gave thanks. I am very thankful for the 15 other people that sat around my dining room table. My Mom and Dad - I am thankful that they are very healthy and here at home instead of that other warm southern place they spent Thanksgiving for a few years. My brother and sister-in-law - I am thankful they are here at home and that even though he's my baby brother, one big hug from him and I feel like every thing will be okay ....... safe. My neice and nephew - I am Sooooo thankful that every year they get to spend the night on Thanksgiving night, but mostly I thankful that they are such beautiful children (did I mention they are just like their Aunt Pam). My mother-in-law - I am thankful that she came to dinner, there was a little scare that she might not make it to dinner, so we're very glad she did. My cousin and his two kids - I am thankful that we have not lost touch with each other and that his daughter and son, as teenagers, like to come with him. Our daughters future in-laws - who were our friends long before she was even born - I am thankful for their long-time friendship. Our future son-in-law - I am thankful for his love for Lindsey. Our daughter, - I am thankful, I am thankful, I am thankful.... for everytime she smiles, for every time she laughs and for everytime she hugs me! Jeff - I am thankful that he takes very seriously the saying "have I told you today that I love you"? Sometimes he asks me that first thing in the morning and sometimes the last thing at night, but he never forgets! I am thankful for the wind that blows and wraps it's arms around me. I am thankful for those songs that bring back warm memories and I am thankful that someone invented photography! Think about it..... isn't photography a wonderful thing - between our memory and photography it's like an internal and external hard drive - if you loose one you've still got the other.
So What about....... giving thanks - you've always got something to be thankful for - so do it!
I'm a little late - what's new!
I gave thanks. I am very thankful for the 15 other people that sat around my dining room table. My Mom and Dad - I am thankful that they are very healthy and here at home instead of that other warm southern place they spent Thanksgiving for a few years. My brother and sister-in-law - I am thankful they are here at home and that even though he's my baby brother, one big hug from him and I feel like every thing will be okay ....... safe. My neice and nephew - I am Sooooo thankful that every year they get to spend the night on Thanksgiving night, but mostly I thankful that they are such beautiful children (did I mention they are just like their Aunt Pam). My mother-in-law - I am thankful that she came to dinner, there was a little scare that she might not make it to dinner, so we're very glad she did. My cousin and his two kids - I am thankful that we have not lost touch with each other and that his daughter and son, as teenagers, like to come with him. Our daughters future in-laws - who were our friends long before she was even born - I am thankful for their long-time friendship. Our future son-in-law - I am thankful for his love for Lindsey. Our daughter, - I am thankful, I am thankful, I am thankful.... for everytime she smiles, for every time she laughs and for everytime she hugs me! Jeff - I am thankful that he takes very seriously the saying "have I told you today that I love you"? Sometimes he asks me that first thing in the morning and sometimes the last thing at night, but he never forgets! I am thankful for the wind that blows and wraps it's arms around me. I am thankful for those songs that bring back warm memories and I am thankful that someone invented photography! Think about it..... isn't photography a wonderful thing - between our memory and photography it's like an internal and external hard drive - if you loose one you've still got the other.
So What about....... giving thanks - you've always got something to be thankful for - so do it!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
What about ....???
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
Helen Keller
Thursday, November 18, 2010
What about... re-charging
How does one re-charge? If you're a battery you plug yourself in and full up with energy, so as humans how do we re-charge? By the way if you stick your finger in the electrical socket I don't think you'll feel re-charged but you will end up with a stunning new hair style.
This was how I re-charged this weekend.......
A long walk through the woods....
and water......
To a fabulous destination......
A quick call to Gram to let her know how crazy we are... okay, we're not crazy, we're just not right sometimes. Or as my friend Wayne says - you can't fix stupid! So, do I want to be crazy or stupid. Crazy it is - cause sometimes I need to be fixed and "you can't fix stupid" Ain't that cute!
Can you tell what that is? Here's a hint.....
Check out the sand on them there pigs - this little piggy went to market, this litte piggy.......
That's right Lindsey and I whipped off the shoes and put the feet right in the water - in November. And I'm just gonna tell ya if there hadn't been a couple of duck hunters nearby we would have had Lynda in the water with us. That's right, we would have stripped down and gone in!
A few more mintues of relaxing - all I can think of here is Huck Finn - shouldn't I have been doing something else like whitewashing a fence or something!
So, What about your recharging??? Wanna start it with a good laugh......
We visited the windmills at Kibby Mtn. - doesn't that look like three grown men peeeiiiinnnnggg over the cliff!!! They really weren't - they were discussing how much fill probably had to be hauled in to make the roads and what equipment etc... etc.....etc..... But don't ya think peeing over the edge might be more edgey?!?!? A little on the wild side!!!
Now that you're laughing - recharge!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
What about....holiday mix ups
Did I miss the Christmas season or is this a Thanksgiving cactus?
This sits on my desk in the office and I get the pleasure of its beauty all day!
Monday, November 8, 2010
What about...... wind power
If you think that this is going to be some kind of intellectual post on wind power .....think again. A couple weekends ago Jeff and I visited the new wind mills on Kibby Mountain. Those things are huge....
Jeff thought we could drive up to 'em - I told him he was crazy....they won't let anyone drive up to them. You see, if I tell him he's crazy and can't do it I usually get proven wrong - somehow I make it work for me!
As we drive my thoughts start up.... where does power come from anyway, all I really know is that when I turn the switch it's there (isn't that an old CMP commerical) and when the tree falls on the wires, the generator comes on. So my brief lecture from Jeff begins with something about friction, steam, turbines.....(start hearing dreamy music, cause this is about where I lost him and starting thinking to myself) ...... Do you see the snow on the side on the road.....what do you suppose the moose think about these massive things invading their space. Do you suppose they all got together one night during the full moon and picketed the project? Can squirrels climb those towers? What a great place to hang a bird feeder. How many wind mills does it take turn on my hair dryer???
Huge I'm telling you......huge!
Not only did Jeff tell me that we could drive to them,
I got to touch them. What for and why I'm not sure - just 'cause I can maybe.....
or maybe it was to hold on before getting blown away - there's a reason why they call 'em wind mills!
This, my friends, is just to show that I'm not afraid to post stupid pictures of myself. I took this hoping it would show how gigantic the windmills are, but what it really shows is that I'm no photographer - anyone knows not to take a picture looking up your nose and letting everyone know it's time to hit the salon for roots color.
So, what about your thoughts on alternative power. Does it make you stop and think - as you can see it made me stop and think. I've cut back - no hair dryer on Tuesdays so if you meet me on the street on a Tuesday and don't recognize meet with the baseball cap and sunglass on, just remember it's a no hair dryer day and hope the hat doesn't get blown away - it won't be pretty!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
What about......magazines
So, I just reached for one of my new magazines that just came in the mail. Before I can reach for a new one I must clean off my desk, clear the office, put the dogs in their crates, make sure the phone is forwarded to Fernando - okay Jeff (I think I'm done with changing the names as I've discovered none of us are really that innocent anyway) and make my last minute trip to the ladies room - when I get back to my desk I don't want to be interrupted. My new favorite is Natural Health - just writing it gets me giddy and I can't wait - but I thought blogging should come first - only because I had a thought and my memory isn't what it used to be. Cover says Natural Health - feel good, look good, do good. Now why wouldn't everyone want to read this. It continues, Happy starts here, Boost your brain power, Master the art of gratitue, New rules for eating meat. Pretty much covers it all doesn't it - happy, smart, grateful, eating.
I like to looking through my magazine quickly looking at the pictures on each page, making a mental note that this article is one I definitely want to read and I go all the way to the back cover. Then I go back and start reading some of the articles. Then the phone rings or the dogs need to go outside and I carefully put my reading into my bag to take home to read when things are quiet.
Two weeks later I pull the still new magazine (I've yet to take it out of the bag and finish reading) and start all over again - phones, dogs, bathroom etc.... because now it's almost new. What I really like to do is take my mags to the dock and sit and read while watching the sunset, but that's not how it usually happens. I usually end up chasing a dog or watching the loons. So then I pack up my mags and take them into the house cause I am determined to read it in bed. Imagine.....all cuddle up in my warm bed, reading light on, music playing the background and .... you guessed it my alarm goes off. Didn't even read the first page and it's morning.
As I start again I notice ads for exercise equipment and videos, fish oils, natural dogfood... I understand all these but then, could someone please explain to me why the next full page ad is for Hydroxycut - am I missing something here - Is this a natural way to loose weight, what is Hydroxycut???? Should any weight loss help end in the word cut? Doesn't that make it sound easy - simply cut the weight away.
Move on Pam.......turn the page........., body butter, cranberry and pomegranate sugar scrub, vanilla almond custard hand lotion, okay I'm feeling a little better now, my confidence in my magazine has been renewed.
Next, vegging out, that's right a vegan diet. I quickly turn the page and start dreaming about prime rib, medium rare, baked potato topped with sour cream and a huge sprinkling of bacon bits, not the kind out the jar but bacon fresh out of the oven and chopped ever so carefully and "dumped" on top of that scrumptous potato. Oh, how about topping that off with pumpkin cheesecake..... I'm gonna re-think that Hydroxycut ad.... no, I'll just turn the page, fish oil and flaxseed oil - I'm back into the natural world. Time to head home for supper.... here comes that dream music again........as vision of prime rib dance through my head.
Tonight's Jewettville menu, grilled salmon topped with a garlic and basil , sauteed spinach in garlic olive oil (evoo, for those of you who might know my friend Rachel) and steamed broccoli accompanied by a glass of red wine - don't tell me I can't have the wine I gave up the sour cream, potato and bacon.... I will have wine! Afterall, it is red and heart healthy. Although, no ads in the magazine for wine, but again, Hydroxycut made the cut, go figure!
So, what about..... your magazines, are they informative or confusing. Where do you read them? Do you read them or do you really just like to look at the pictures. Do you like self care magazines, housekeeping magazines, home improvement magazines or do you, like me, somehow manage to turn every magazine to food ( and yes, I can turn a home improvement magazine into a food subject, I have that magical power) . We'll have to talk later - I gotta go get something to eat!
I like to looking through my magazine quickly looking at the pictures on each page, making a mental note that this article is one I definitely want to read and I go all the way to the back cover. Then I go back and start reading some of the articles. Then the phone rings or the dogs need to go outside and I carefully put my reading into my bag to take home to read when things are quiet.
Two weeks later I pull the still new magazine (I've yet to take it out of the bag and finish reading) and start all over again - phones, dogs, bathroom etc.... because now it's almost new. What I really like to do is take my mags to the dock and sit and read while watching the sunset, but that's not how it usually happens. I usually end up chasing a dog or watching the loons. So then I pack up my mags and take them into the house cause I am determined to read it in bed. Imagine.....all cuddle up in my warm bed, reading light on, music playing the background and .... you guessed it my alarm goes off. Didn't even read the first page and it's morning.
As I start again I notice ads for exercise equipment and videos, fish oils, natural dogfood... I understand all these but then, could someone please explain to me why the next full page ad is for Hydroxycut - am I missing something here - Is this a natural way to loose weight, what is Hydroxycut???? Should any weight loss help end in the word cut? Doesn't that make it sound easy - simply cut the weight away.
Move on Pam.......turn the page........., body butter, cranberry and pomegranate sugar scrub, vanilla almond custard hand lotion, okay I'm feeling a little better now, my confidence in my magazine has been renewed.
Next, vegging out, that's right a vegan diet. I quickly turn the page and start dreaming about prime rib, medium rare, baked potato topped with sour cream and a huge sprinkling of bacon bits, not the kind out the jar but bacon fresh out of the oven and chopped ever so carefully and "dumped" on top of that scrumptous potato. Oh, how about topping that off with pumpkin cheesecake..... I'm gonna re-think that Hydroxycut ad.... no, I'll just turn the page, fish oil and flaxseed oil - I'm back into the natural world. Time to head home for supper.... here comes that dream music again........as vision of prime rib dance through my head.
Tonight's Jewettville menu, grilled salmon topped with a garlic and basil , sauteed spinach in garlic olive oil (evoo, for those of you who might know my friend Rachel) and steamed broccoli accompanied by a glass of red wine - don't tell me I can't have the wine I gave up the sour cream, potato and bacon.... I will have wine! Afterall, it is red and heart healthy. Although, no ads in the magazine for wine, but again, Hydroxycut made the cut, go figure!
So, what about..... your magazines, are they informative or confusing. Where do you read them? Do you read them or do you really just like to look at the pictures. Do you like self care magazines, housekeeping magazines, home improvement magazines or do you, like me, somehow manage to turn every magazine to food ( and yes, I can turn a home improvement magazine into a food subject, I have that magical power) . We'll have to talk later - I gotta go get something to eat!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
What about....??
Remember that file I mentioned on my computer of quotes that I have saved over the years?? I wish I could go back and remember exactly what was going thru my head when I put some of these in the file.
Here's the next one in line
Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength. I gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which I must stop and look fear in the face.... I say to myself, I've lived through this and can take the next thing that comes along
I've written four different sentences in response to this and deleted all of them..... I'm simply speechless.....
Here's the next one in line
Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength. I gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which I must stop and look fear in the face.... I say to myself, I've lived through this and can take the next thing that comes along
I've written four different sentences in response to this and deleted all of them..... I'm simply speechless.....
Monday, October 25, 2010
What about..... the hunt of the mighty deer
I woke up early this morning and did my usual routine but as I was frantically getting ready (I had a very special person coming to spend the day with me and I didn't want to be late for my sweet, sweet date) the tv was on and there it was on the screen. I stopped and looked and wonder why they would be showing pictures of a car/deer accident, this must have been really bad. I could see the deer draped over the hood of the car, all the while I'm thinking "that's a big one", "look for horns, Pam, look for the horns", wait, maybe it's a moose/car accident or maybe I should get a little closer and look at the tv. That's right it was a car accident but there was clearly no sign of deer or moose.
The deer hunting season is around the corner, so in our house that is the topic of many, many conversations. I have been living for many (okay 30 years) with the mighty hunter. You see, it starts around August with "Maybe I'll get my bow out and bow hunt this year" to which I give my standard answer "sure". Then we move into September " I don't think I have time to bow hunt this year" to which I answer, "why?", as I think to myself , just do it. Then rolls in October, the month when everything changes, there are no longer any maybes or thinks - there will be hunting. There's something about the rifle season that puts a spark in Fernando. I hear about what boots he will wear, the zipper needs fixing on my hunting coat (thanks Gram!), "I'm gonna need some more wool socks," "where are my long johns," "did you see any deer on the drive home tonight," and the ever famous , "is supper ready yet, it's getting dark and I want to go for a ride and look for deer before it gets to late."
When I was growing up my dad was hunter too and I remember his stylish orange hat and ever the fashion statement fluorescent orange jacket. So when Fernando starts getting out the fluorescent orange fashions it brings back the memories...... I can remember the smell of breakfast cooking before daybreak and the noise of all the men arriving. I may have been young but I still knew it was way too early for me to get up, so I would roll right back over and slumber away. I wonder if my kids have those memories, wait.... I know they don't cause there was no way I was getting up that early to cook breakfast for any reason! My response to that early, early, morning breakfast was "Isn't someone around here having a hunter's breakfast?" I'm not a morning person!
So, what about the woman and wives of deer hunters. Why is it that, here it is October and when I'm half way paying attention I see deer accident, when clearly there was no deer involved. Have I been living this for so long that my mind knows - October and deer and I've started blocking things out, or seeing things that
aren't really there. Has the hunt of the mighty deer taken over my fall season. I knew November would always revolve around the hunt but now it's started creeping into my October. I used to ride right home with the radio turned up and signing with the tunes and now I ride carefully looking in the fields and even knowing where to slow down cause the deer sometimes cross in the road. Where are the days when October meant Halloween and apple pie?
The deer hunting season is around the corner, so in our house that is the topic of many, many conversations. I have been living for many (okay 30 years) with the mighty hunter. You see, it starts around August with "Maybe I'll get my bow out and bow hunt this year" to which I give my standard answer "sure". Then we move into September " I don't think I have time to bow hunt this year" to which I answer, "why?", as I think to myself , just do it. Then rolls in October, the month when everything changes, there are no longer any maybes or thinks - there will be hunting. There's something about the rifle season that puts a spark in Fernando. I hear about what boots he will wear, the zipper needs fixing on my hunting coat (thanks Gram!), "I'm gonna need some more wool socks," "where are my long johns," "did you see any deer on the drive home tonight," and the ever famous , "is supper ready yet, it's getting dark and I want to go for a ride and look for deer before it gets to late."
When I was growing up my dad was hunter too and I remember his stylish orange hat and ever the fashion statement fluorescent orange jacket. So when Fernando starts getting out the fluorescent orange fashions it brings back the memories...... I can remember the smell of breakfast cooking before daybreak and the noise of all the men arriving. I may have been young but I still knew it was way too early for me to get up, so I would roll right back over and slumber away. I wonder if my kids have those memories, wait.... I know they don't cause there was no way I was getting up that early to cook breakfast for any reason! My response to that early, early, morning breakfast was "Isn't someone around here having a hunter's breakfast?" I'm not a morning person!
So, what about the woman and wives of deer hunters. Why is it that, here it is October and when I'm half way paying attention I see deer accident, when clearly there was no deer involved. Have I been living this for so long that my mind knows - October and deer and I've started blocking things out, or seeing things that
aren't really there. Has the hunt of the mighty deer taken over my fall season. I knew November would always revolve around the hunt but now it's started creeping into my October. I used to ride right home with the radio turned up and signing with the tunes and now I ride carefully looking in the fields and even knowing where to slow down cause the deer sometimes cross in the road. Where are the days when October meant Halloween and apple pie?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
What about......okay, I'm back to Jewettville North
I promised an update on Jewettville North - where or where do I begin?.?.?.?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so what are these worth?.?.?.?.
The gang - 12 people and 5 dogs! We had a barking good time, it was a dog of a weekend!
So, What about your adventures? Do you hike until you can't walk, do you renovate, hunt, shop... How much can you cram into a long weekend and still leave like the smiling group above and still asking... When do we do it again?.?.?.?.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so what are these worth?.?.?.?.
It's a bear Mom, I'm telling you...... It's a bear! Okay, so it really went more like, Yolanda it's a bear, quick take it's picture! Mom I don't think it's a bear. Yolanda, go see if those guys in that truck over there have binoculars, never mind, I will. Needless, to say....... stump bear!
I can't even take a good picture of complete chaos - I was having to much fun and couldn't take time to set up for the shot
Again, to much to do to stop for the clear picture - but I think you get the idea - extra chairs, not counter or table left without food on top of it ( funny how we never go hungry), someone eating, someone smiling and looks like Elvin telling a deer story
This was our trip up Sugarloaf - we went up on the chairlift but who had the bright idea to walk down?.?.? Oh wait, who had the fabulously smart idea to walk down?.?!!! Someone slap me next time.
"Hurry up! it's freakin cold, run I tell you, run!" That would be Yvette's training for her 5K kicking into action. Remind me to tell her how proud I am of her!
Meet my smiling Yolanda, beautiful,........ just beautiful. I love it when she smiles ear to ear.
Sometimes you just gotta stop and take in the view or relax in between songs! That's my friend, harmonious in life and song
You've got to be kidding!! Oh right, that must be for the skier's, not us.
This was the closet thing to wildlife ( we left the guys at home ) we saw - deer poop. You gotta look really, really, close
Pedro and.. wait where's Alaina (that means harmonious one, in french)
Elvin, replacing my bedroom window - for years we've had a window that doesn't open and with Fernando being our fire tender we really, really needed a window to open.
Whenever Elvin comes to camp to visit he listens to my whining and I think he got tired of me waking up cranking and complaining about not sleeping cause it's too hot. Wonder if I should complain about my doorstep? What would happen then.......Ta Da!
Elvin, let's talk for minute....... I would really, really like to have a couple more bedrooms, larger dining room, another bath maybe one with a tub, bigger kitchen - a much bigger kitchen! Please tell me you aren't out of miracles yet.
Many window helpers!! What a team!
Did I mention for the past 13 years I have slept in the bedroom without a window that opens. Those who know me, know I slept with windows open 3/4 of the year, so finally having a window that opens is like winning the lottery. Okay, not quite like the lottery, but pretty darn close.
The ladies made a quick trip to the fabric store, Threads Galore - while there we might have gained another seamstress! See how a little bit of touching and smelling the fabric can make us smile! We didn't buy anything just touchy, feely time, honest.......
Whoops, someone caught a picture of us leaving Threads Galore, well, it was Threads Galore when we got there, but after we left not so sure what was left in the store. Note to self - next time don't take a truck, take the Ford Escort!
So, What about your adventures? Do you hike until you can't walk, do you renovate, hunt, shop... How much can you cram into a long weekend and still leave like the smiling group above and still asking... When do we do it again?.?.?.?.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What About.... Jewettville North
Jewettville North - the place where you go when you need to "get away". Not sure what people are getting away from when they use this term. It used to be to "get away" from the telephones - how's that working out for everyone now with cell phones. Pretty good as long as you turn that power button to off? (don't tell Fernando I said that, he would never turn off his cell phone) So, Jewettville North - more intown location then sitting by the water at home. Store, a mile from camp. More restaurants within a ten mile radius (my guess would be there's 20 or more ) than the one restaurant we have at home. More and closer neighbors...
What is it about this place
Any everything in it's proper place....
What kind of fun is that, I ask you. Jewettville North is the place we go in the winter for outdoor activities. It is only 5 miles to the nearest ski slopes, cross country skiing, snowmobiling from the door, snowshoeing from the doorstep and the list goes on.
Then the night descends upon us - scaryoke (karaoke) anyone? How about snow tubing down the ski slope, music and dancing at any number of those restaurant I mentioned earlier or just a walk where the stars are so bright that you can see them through the steam pouring from your mouth and nostrils and air so cold and crisp you can actually hear your fingers and toes freezing. Oh, I don't want to forget the month of November when the "men in the tribe" go foraging for meat for the wintah, whoops, wintER. I really, really want to be a mouse in the corner, wait, maybe I don't. I've only been privileged to hear a few of the stories about "hunting camp", there are more stories that the "men in the tribe" won't share. From the stories I've already heard, I know I don't want to hear "the rest of the story." So scratch that need to be a mouse in the corner - home in my bed with my lavender scented sheets, propane fireplace flickering in the bedroom and sleeping until I feel like getting up is where I want to be. It's my understanding that at hunting camp the fireplace only flickers when you get up 3 times a night to put wood in it, getting up in the morning consists of finding your boots in the dark, before coffee, which means you never are sure whose boots you might be wearing until the 2nd cup of coffee kicks in, but by then you're to far from camp to get the right boots, and, I really don't think those sheets are lavender scented (I've heard that corned beef hash has been banned from hunting camp this year)- 'nough said about that!
The weekend before the men in the tribe forage for meat the women in the tribe visit - not sure why 'cause the men aren't around (they must scout em deer while sun high in sky) - wait now it make sense, ...... the men aren't around......... this leads the female warriors to attend to there tribal rituals...... massage, hot tub, swimming in the heated indoor pool, shopping and after getting that relaxed we have to explain to the men that we don't possibly have the energy to cook so we'll need to go out to dinner. This my friends is Jewettville North - Humting Camp version.
Jewettville North has many versions- Hunting Camp, Snowmobiling - Trails and Back Country, I'm Not Getting off This Couch All Weekend, Octoberfest, Pub Tour, and the ever popular Critter and Skidder Tour.
I like to carry my camera with me to help express what really goes on at Jewettville North ........ maybe I'll have some new pictures to share after my next visit..... Oh, I forgot, what happens at Jewettville North, stays at Jewettville North, bummer...
So, what about you're weekend "getting away"? Do you ride around the woods counting the numbers of moose and wood skidders you can see? Do you pour at glass of wine, plunk your butt down on the couch and annouce that you will not be moving - someone bring food to me and put the tv on Lifetime ( or as the men would say the outdoor channel), or do you snowmobile or snowshoe all day only to find it impossible to get out of bed the next morning because you're so out of shape even the pinky toe muscle hurts.
Really now, why is it a "weekend get away" - what are we getting away from? Shouldn't it be a "weekend go to"?
What is it about this place
Isn't this the picture of peace and quiet - serenity and relaxation?
Organized and clean.....
Any everything in it's proper place....
What kind of fun is that, I ask you. Jewettville North is the place we go in the winter for outdoor activities. It is only 5 miles to the nearest ski slopes, cross country skiing, snowmobiling from the door, snowshoeing from the doorstep and the list goes on.
Then the night descends upon us - scaryoke (karaoke) anyone? How about snow tubing down the ski slope, music and dancing at any number of those restaurant I mentioned earlier or just a walk where the stars are so bright that you can see them through the steam pouring from your mouth and nostrils and air so cold and crisp you can actually hear your fingers and toes freezing. Oh, I don't want to forget the month of November when the "men in the tribe" go foraging for meat for the wintah, whoops, wintER. I really, really want to be a mouse in the corner, wait, maybe I don't. I've only been privileged to hear a few of the stories about "hunting camp", there are more stories that the "men in the tribe" won't share. From the stories I've already heard, I know I don't want to hear "the rest of the story." So scratch that need to be a mouse in the corner - home in my bed with my lavender scented sheets, propane fireplace flickering in the bedroom and sleeping until I feel like getting up is where I want to be. It's my understanding that at hunting camp the fireplace only flickers when you get up 3 times a night to put wood in it, getting up in the morning consists of finding your boots in the dark, before coffee, which means you never are sure whose boots you might be wearing until the 2nd cup of coffee kicks in, but by then you're to far from camp to get the right boots, and, I really don't think those sheets are lavender scented (I've heard that corned beef hash has been banned from hunting camp this year)- 'nough said about that!
The weekend before the men in the tribe forage for meat the women in the tribe visit - not sure why 'cause the men aren't around (they must scout em deer while sun high in sky) - wait now it make sense, ...... the men aren't around......... this leads the female warriors to attend to there tribal rituals...... massage, hot tub, swimming in the heated indoor pool, shopping and after getting that relaxed we have to explain to the men that we don't possibly have the energy to cook so we'll need to go out to dinner. This my friends is Jewettville North - Humting Camp version.
Jewettville North has many versions- Hunting Camp, Snowmobiling - Trails and Back Country, I'm Not Getting off This Couch All Weekend, Octoberfest, Pub Tour, and the ever popular Critter and Skidder Tour.
I like to carry my camera with me to help express what really goes on at Jewettville North ........ maybe I'll have some new pictures to share after my next visit..... Oh, I forgot, what happens at Jewettville North, stays at Jewettville North, bummer...
So, what about you're weekend "getting away"? Do you ride around the woods counting the numbers of moose and wood skidders you can see? Do you pour at glass of wine, plunk your butt down on the couch and annouce that you will not be moving - someone bring food to me and put the tv on Lifetime ( or as the men would say the outdoor channel), or do you snowmobile or snowshoe all day only to find it impossible to get out of bed the next morning because you're so out of shape even the pinky toe muscle hurts.
Really now, why is it a "weekend get away" - what are we getting away from? Shouldn't it be a "weekend go to"?
Monday, October 4, 2010
What About ....??
From the archives....
The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.
The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
What about.... Weddings
Our daughter is getting married - I've said it before but writing it down - hold on, I need just a minute.....
Okay, our daughter is getting married, OMG. BRB........
Okay this is it....Next July our daughter will walk down the isle to marry "Nick" (I've been told I need to change names to protect the innocent) Now a little history for all. Thirty years ago this summer "Fernando" (again name change) and I were married while Nick's Dad stood in the line of handsome and very young looking groomsmen and twenty nine years ago Fernando and I stood in the wedding picture along side Nick's Mom and Dad as they were married. Did I mention the bridemaids were beautiful, very young looking, (of course we were all young looking we were all 19) and oh my gosh so thin, so very, very thin - this would be where the dreamy music starts playing and vision of "thin Pam" (sorry, no name change) run through my head.
Okay back to the wedding. Nick and Yolanda (again name change and don't ask how I came up with that one, it had something to do with a mission impossible, under the cover of darkness - yet another story) have decided that they want to get married on Friday night July 1, which is my parents 50th wedding anniversary - quick, somebody go get the tissues! So all the planning begins, Friday night wedding, Saturday reception, Sunday breakfast.... and the list goes on. So I bet you're saying to yourself why not do it all Friday? As most of our friends know we Jewett's like a good party, be it a dinner party, swimming party, ice fishing party, snowmobiling party, singing party, hunting party etc... (refer back to my Happy Hour blog) If there's a way to get people together and listen to conversations and watch the smiling faces and hear the laughing crowd, then we're in! There has been so many times when I just like to sit back and do just that - listen, watch and hear. "The kids" as we like to refer to them, are planning on a sunset wedding at our house on the dock. That would mean a very, very late reception, so Saturday it is! I want to be totally awake and enjoy every minute. So and good night's sleep, strong coffee in the morning and a celebration later in the day is just what the Jewett's ordered (our family physician Dr. Flagg, would probably agree). And then there's Sunday, shouldn't everyone get together for breakfast, watch the opening of the gifts and celebrate once again.
So now I feel like Santa, making a list and checking it twice. The dresses, suits, flowers, cake, food, music, I wonder how Nick and Yolanda will feel about "scaryoke", ya' know the Jewettville version of karaoke. Okay, maybe not. I'll try to keep you posted (blog, post, get it?)
But in the meantime, What about..... your wedding? Did you have the celebration you wanted, did you celebrate for an afternoon or was it a weekend event? Either way it's not the wedding that matters the most , it's the marriage that continues on after the big day or weekend that is the most important.
So, with all that said ...... What about my parent's 50 years how on earth do we celebrate that? After all shouldn't that be like a month long celebration?
Okay, our daughter is getting married, OMG. BRB........
Okay this is it....Next July our daughter will walk down the isle to marry "Nick" (I've been told I need to change names to protect the innocent) Now a little history for all. Thirty years ago this summer "Fernando" (again name change) and I were married while Nick's Dad stood in the line of handsome and very young looking groomsmen and twenty nine years ago Fernando and I stood in the wedding picture along side Nick's Mom and Dad as they were married. Did I mention the bridemaids were beautiful, very young looking, (of course we were all young looking we were all 19) and oh my gosh so thin, so very, very thin - this would be where the dreamy music starts playing and vision of "thin Pam" (sorry, no name change) run through my head.
Okay back to the wedding. Nick and Yolanda (again name change and don't ask how I came up with that one, it had something to do with a mission impossible, under the cover of darkness - yet another story) have decided that they want to get married on Friday night July 1, which is my parents 50th wedding anniversary - quick, somebody go get the tissues! So all the planning begins, Friday night wedding, Saturday reception, Sunday breakfast.... and the list goes on. So I bet you're saying to yourself why not do it all Friday? As most of our friends know we Jewett's like a good party, be it a dinner party, swimming party, ice fishing party, snowmobiling party, singing party, hunting party etc... (refer back to my Happy Hour blog) If there's a way to get people together and listen to conversations and watch the smiling faces and hear the laughing crowd, then we're in! There has been so many times when I just like to sit back and do just that - listen, watch and hear. "The kids" as we like to refer to them, are planning on a sunset wedding at our house on the dock. That would mean a very, very late reception, so Saturday it is! I want to be totally awake and enjoy every minute. So and good night's sleep, strong coffee in the morning and a celebration later in the day is just what the Jewett's ordered (our family physician Dr. Flagg, would probably agree). And then there's Sunday, shouldn't everyone get together for breakfast, watch the opening of the gifts and celebrate once again.
So now I feel like Santa, making a list and checking it twice. The dresses, suits, flowers, cake, food, music, I wonder how Nick and Yolanda will feel about "scaryoke", ya' know the Jewettville version of karaoke. Okay, maybe not. I'll try to keep you posted (blog, post, get it?)
But in the meantime, What about..... your wedding? Did you have the celebration you wanted, did you celebrate for an afternoon or was it a weekend event? Either way it's not the wedding that matters the most , it's the marriage that continues on after the big day or weekend that is the most important.
So, with all that said ...... What about my parent's 50 years how on earth do we celebrate that? After all shouldn't that be like a month long celebration?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
What about....?
What about..... this file I keep on my computer? It is a file I have labeled "daily inspirations", it has quotes and sayings that I started keeping way back in 2000. I was never sure why I kept these but I have decided that I'm gonna share. I'll post them on days when my creative writing dial doesn't turn up all the way to high.
Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes. I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.
I don't remember when, but I do remember putting this one at the very top of the page
So, drum roll please..........
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.
Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes. I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.
I don't remember when, but I do remember putting this one at the very top of the page
So, drum roll please..........
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
What about.... blogging
How the heck did I get here??? I have a few blogs I like to check occassionally and somehow I ended up starting a blog. You see, some days I'm in the office and left alone a little bit to long with too much caffeine - hence a blog! So I decided there a questions that need answering.
So, today I ask - What about Happy Hour? How did it get it's name and why only an hour? How did booze get involved and why is there always food - forget that - food, booze I just remembered. Jewettville, the place where many a happy hour has turned into 4,5, or 6 hours. You see, we have what we call a "Happy Hour" every Sunday at 4:00 p.m. where many of our dear friends and family stop by for a drink and something to eat. When we invite people ( and we only invite you once, from then on you should know this happens every Sunday) we tell them "bring something to drink if you want otherwise we usually have something and bring something to eat and share with everyone if you want. Otherwise just bring yourself". This has been going on for going over 3 years now and we love it! Sometimes there's 4 of us and sometimes there's 24 or us, sometimes everyone is out the door by 7 and the house is all neat and tidy and sometimes it's much later and the next morning I'm cleaning up and still smiling and laughing about the evenings adventures. We absolutely love our "Happy Hour".
So do you have a "Happy Hour" ? A time when friends and family gather, stories are told, problems are solved, dreams are shared and the most important "things" are the people you're with .... What about.... your "Happy Hour"
So, today I ask - What about Happy Hour? How did it get it's name and why only an hour? How did booze get involved and why is there always food - forget that - food, booze I just remembered. Jewettville, the place where many a happy hour has turned into 4,5, or 6 hours. You see, we have what we call a "Happy Hour" every Sunday at 4:00 p.m. where many of our dear friends and family stop by for a drink and something to eat. When we invite people ( and we only invite you once, from then on you should know this happens every Sunday) we tell them "bring something to drink if you want otherwise we usually have something and bring something to eat and share with everyone if you want. Otherwise just bring yourself". This has been going on for going over 3 years now and we love it! Sometimes there's 4 of us and sometimes there's 24 or us, sometimes everyone is out the door by 7 and the house is all neat and tidy and sometimes it's much later and the next morning I'm cleaning up and still smiling and laughing about the evenings adventures. We absolutely love our "Happy Hour".
So do you have a "Happy Hour" ? A time when friends and family gather, stories are told, problems are solved, dreams are shared and the most important "things" are the people you're with .... What about.... your "Happy Hour"
Monday, September 27, 2010
What About ...... quilting
For years now I have watched my mother make quilt after quilt, table runner after table runner and I would always ask "Who's that for?" to which I received the stardard answer of "Oh, I don't know, I just felt like making it" I observed how her sewing room closet went from a spare bedroom closet to the point where the doors are off and the fabric overflows. I sat by silently as my daughter caught this fabric bug. I watched her fill a shoebox with fabric and then storage bin after storage bin. She would make a quilt, then a table runner, then a Christmas stocking. Again, I would ask "Who's that for?" and again she gave the same answer as my mother - "Oh, I don't know, I just felt like making it". That was it, this must be some kind of cult. Why do "these people" keep sewing all the projects when they don't know what they're gonna do with them?!?! Then I noticed it... everytime they would go somewhere together, somehow, there would always be a fabric store along the way that they would just have to stop at. This was getting serious now.
It was a very cold day in February while at camp, my mother tells me "there's a fabric store just down the road, I'd like to ride over and see". I figured there was nothin' better to do, so off we went - the quilter and the one who can clear a room when the sewing machine comes out. Mind you, I've tried my hand at sewing and it always ended with my husband gathering the kids and removing them from the room while I, determined as I was, was left sitting in the room by myself crying. It never went well and I have not touched a sewing machine in many years. Remember how I was talking about the cold day in February and the nice ride to the fabric store...... Yesterday my husband said to me "Who's that for?" (as I sat at my sewing machine starting quilt number 4!!)and my reply was, ME! I've caught the bug now, I catch myself sneeking into my sewing room and feeling the fabric and reading patterns. Only I can't seem to part with anything like my mother and daughter do. They give their treasures away and it brings tears to my eyes to think that I too, will someday, part with my treasures.
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This is my quilt walk, done after I complete each quilt - Ya know, like the Miss America walk after the crowning! STOP YOUR LAUGHING!! |
So now the questions..... What is about sewing the slowly crawls into the soul and takes over? Is it the creative part that is jumping out to show the world or is it the diligence that watches something build from start to finish? Or is it both that may have been hiding behind the heart waiting for the opportunity to appear on the stage and once there keeps jumping out in front of the curtains as they are pulled shut. So, What About..... your creativity and diligence - it may not be quilting but what is it that crawls into your soul and fills your head with ideas?
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