
Thursday, September 30, 2010

What about.... Weddings

Our daughter is getting married - I've said it before but writing it down - hold on, I need just a minute.....

Okay, our daughter is getting married,  OMG. BRB........

Okay this is it....Next July our daughter will walk down the isle to marry "Nick"  (I've been told I need to change names to protect the innocent)  Now a little history for all.  Thirty years ago this summer "Fernando" (again name change) and I were married while Nick's Dad stood in the line of handsome and very young looking groomsmen and twenty nine years ago Fernando and I stood in the wedding picture along side Nick's Mom and Dad as they were married.  Did I mention the bridemaids were beautiful, very young looking, (of course we were all young looking we were all 19) and oh my gosh so thin, so very, very thin - this would be where the dreamy music starts playing and vision of "thin Pam" (sorry, no name change) run through my head. 

Okay back to the wedding.  Nick and Yolanda (again name change and don't ask how I came up with that one, it had something to do with a mission impossible, under the cover of darkness - yet another story) have decided that they want to get married on Friday night July 1, which is my parents 50th wedding anniversary - quick, somebody go get the tissues!  So all the planning begins, Friday night wedding, Saturday reception, Sunday breakfast.... and the list goes on.  So I bet you're saying to yourself why not do it all Friday?  As most of our friends know we Jewett's like a good party, be it a dinner party, swimming party, ice fishing party, snowmobiling party, singing party, hunting party etc... (refer back to my Happy Hour blog)  If there's a way to get people together and listen to conversations and watch the smiling faces and hear the laughing crowd, then we're in!  There has been so many times when I just like to sit back and do just that - listen, watch and hear.  "The kids" as we like to refer to them, are planning on a sunset wedding at our house on the dock.  That would mean a very, very late reception, so Saturday it is!  I want to be totally awake and enjoy every minute.  So and good night's sleep, strong coffee in the morning and a celebration later in the day is just what the Jewett's ordered (our family physician Dr. Flagg, would probably agree).  And then there's Sunday, shouldn't everyone get together for breakfast, watch the opening of the gifts and celebrate once again.

So now I feel like Santa, making a list and checking it twice.  The dresses, suits, flowers, cake, food, music, I wonder how Nick and Yolanda will feel about "scaryoke", ya' know  the  Jewettville version of karaoke.  Okay, maybe not.  I'll try to keep you posted (blog, post, get it?) 

But in the meantime, What about..... your wedding?  Did you have the celebration you wanted, did you celebrate for an afternoon or was it a weekend event?  Either way it's not the wedding that matters the most , it's the marriage that continues on after the big day or weekend that is the most important. 

So, with all that said ...... What about my parent's 50 years how on earth do we celebrate that?  After all shouldn't that be like a month long celebration?


  1. Hi Mary, Lucille here. Nick and Yolanda are really getting married! I know that, but until Yolanda called Nick her "future husband" did it really sink in. OMG!!! My baby is getting married!!! I just keep picturing that cute little blond boy running around the yard trying to keep up with his dad, Elvin. I can't wait either for July 1, 2011. Not that I want time to fly by. There is a lot to do after all. I will help in any way the happy couple wants. They do seem so happy, which is all you can hope for you your child. Is it too late to buy stock in the Kleenex Co. before next July? We're gonna need em!! And what to do for your parent's 50th. Oh wait, wasn't a cruise mentioned???

  2. We are very excited! We sit down every night and talk a bit about the big day. We are trying to figure out maybe a honeymoon? Not really sure or just a long weekend at camp. We are hoping that is going to be a very relaxing and happy event for all those that come. You both are going to be great help I'm sure and yes, there is lots of planning to do between now and then.
