Jeff thought we could drive up to 'em - I told him he was crazy....they won't let anyone drive up to them. You see, if I tell him he's crazy and can't do it I usually get proven wrong - somehow I make it work for me!
As we drive my thoughts start up.... where does power come from anyway, all I really know is that when I turn the switch it's there (isn't that an old CMP commerical) and when the tree falls on the wires, the generator comes on. So my brief lecture from Jeff begins with something about friction, steam, turbines.....(start hearing dreamy music, cause this is about where I lost him and starting thinking to myself) ...... Do you see the snow on the side on the road.....what do you suppose the moose think about these massive things invading their space. Do you suppose they all got together one night during the full moon and picketed the project? Can squirrels climb those towers? What a great place to hang a bird feeder. How many wind mills does it take turn on my hair dryer???
Huge I'm telling you......huge!
Not only did Jeff tell me that we could drive to them,
I got to touch them. What for and why I'm not sure - just 'cause I can maybe.....
or maybe it was to hold on before getting blown away - there's a reason why they call 'em wind mills!
This, my friends, is just to show that I'm not afraid to post stupid pictures of myself. I took this hoping it would show how gigantic the windmills are, but what it really shows is that I'm no photographer - anyone knows not to take a picture looking up your nose and letting everyone know it's time to hit the salon for roots color.
So, what about your thoughts on alternative power. Does it make you stop and think - as you can see it made me stop and think. I've cut back - no hair dryer on Tuesdays so if you meet me on the street on a Tuesday and don't recognize meet with the baseball cap and sunglass on, just remember it's a no hair dryer day and hope the hat doesn't get blown away - it won't be pretty!
Ooo!!! I'd like to go see those. Maybe on Sunday we can all go to see them. You and Jeff could lead the way! From what I've been hearing the wind power is a good thought, but I'm not sure how much power they really produce for all that's spent. They are talking about putting some of these out in the ocean. That seems like a reasonable place, lots of wind out there. Or maybe we could have the guys stand by one next time they tell a deer story. There's usually lots of hot air blowing around then. LOL!!! List of things to do, touch a wind turbine!