
Friday, December 3, 2010

What about.....the wedding?

Anyone looking for an update??......

There will be cake!!  Pastry Chef has been booked and deposit made!

Ryan is one happy camper when there's a plate full of sweets sitting in front of him!  He can't wait - just look at him.... yes, that might be drool you see

You can almost hear him go ........  yummmmmmmmm.....

happy, happy, happy

Picture worth a thousand words!!!!  Remember the cookie monster from Sesame Street...  I was waiting for him  to say........cake, cake cake, me love cake!

Everytime I said pose with a bite the little delay on my camera took too long and one would be emtpy handed (Ryan).   Well, they were small bites


Just cause the samples are gone he thinks it's time to go back to work -  I caught him investigating the building, checking out the windows and floor.  HEY!!!  Back to the wedding Flippah!

We had a great time and very happy that we have one more thing crossed off Lindsey's list.

So, What about cake why is it that a simple piece of cake can put a smile on so many faces.  You don't believe me just put one in front of anyone and watch....  the eyes light up, and the corners of the mouth start heading north.  I'm not a lover of sweets so tell me people what is it......  that brings that.....   Oh, wait.......if you put a bag of potato chips in front of me........  never mind I get it now - I know the feeling!  


1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! If Roland and Wayne were there they would look like triplets!!! Kyle didn't get that gene but Ryan did, they like their sweets! I'm so glad that you went to catch all this on film. Those will be memories they will cherish years down the road. And Ryan and Wayne always check out the architecture of any building they are in. That must be a gene thing too. Wait, doesn't Lindsey have a (Jean) thing in her family?? Sorry, I've had 4 glasses of wine tonight! Love the pics and you all!!!!!
