
Friday, August 2, 2013

What about.....Friday Fun Memories

Friday Fun Memories
place:  Jewettville North
when:  Sept 1997 - March 2013
So, this is my camp.  This is where my kids where camp raised, where we took them to play, relax, and spend time with them.  Where friends and family came to "play" and "relax" and "spend time together".  This will always be the place where my heart and soul take a big "sigh".  There is nothing like walking thru these doors taking a big whiff of the wood - or camp smell as I like to call it, and feel my whole body change, it settles......... it breathes simply.......... it simply breathes......
This camp is now for sale. 
We have a new camp.  It lacks the smell and the wood - but we have already started "playing" and "relaxing" and "spending time together".
This is where we will "camp raise" our grandchildren.  I don't feel my heart taking the big "sigh" when I enter, but when my grandson arrives thru those new doors it does give off a big smile.  He too, will have the joy of being "camp raised".

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