
Friday, August 9, 2013

What about..... Friday Fun Memories


place:  Jewettville

when:  December 2012
This was the snowstorm we missed.   We were in the northwest mountains of Maine when a "Noreastah" hit home.  Hardly any snow in the mountains - but plenty of snow at home.  I sat at camp while receiving pictures from Mom and Dad showing the huge amounts of snow on their deck.  On our way home from camp Dad called to give me the total snowfall amount, to which I replied - "Oh, I wished I'd been home"!  To that he replied "I told your Mother your a good 'ol Maine girl and you'd be sorry you missed it"!
So, what is it about August that already has me looking forward to snow.  Could it be August is my least favorite month or could it be I AM a good 'ol Maine good girl - I'm telling ya there's nothing like the feeling of being "snowed in". Clean white snow covering everything. Trudging (is that a word?) through the snow in hip boots.  Shoveling......and shoveling...........   I love it!

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