
Friday, September 30, 2011

What about.....a challenge

I'm still thinking about the fair....... visions of french fries dancing.... never mind.

My challenge is to all of you crafty people -  Let's put something in the exhibition hall next year!!!   I know we can do it!  I strolled through the other day and said to myself "Self, why don't you do something for this fair next year.  Afterall you have become quite the fantastic beginner crafter (if I must say so myself - making blackberry jam, kitchen curtains, a quilt and purse qualifies me as crafter, supervision (thank god!) qualifies me as beginner) 

So, folks, I think it's time to - for the very first time (remember I'll be turning 50 soon and 50 is my year of firsts) enter my wares into the country fair - makes me feel like Laura Ingalls, how cool is that. 

I'm gonna plan on it.  Oh, and I'm not looking for the blue ribbon, just the participation certificate to hang on the Wall of Firsts for Fifty!   Are you gonna join me?

So, what is it about a challenge that makes you forget your fears - okay, not forget, but put them at bay  - Do you have what it takes to step up to my challenge?!

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