
Monday, September 19, 2011

What about.... today

There are some dates in time that will always be remembered.

Today is one - 32 years ago today, Fernando (now you'll have to go back and read - never mind, I never really told you why I call Jeff, Fernando- but I will someday) bought me a gold ring with a shiny stone and put it on my left ring finger.  It's better than the bright red lobster ring he bought me in 5th grade on the class trip to Pemaquid or the silver ring with a stone  - picked off the driveway and glued to the top - I don't remember when I received that beautiful gem.  The lobster ring made a much bigger impression.  After a very short courtship or a very long friendship - whichever way you choose to see it - wait,  change that ....  After a very short courtship AND a very long friendship we were engaged. 

So, today we are still friends, oh, and married.  Gotta go....  My BFF (Jeff) just called.

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