
Friday, December 9, 2011

What about....olives and pimentos

Just so we're clear, this question popped into my head before I drank the martini.  Another 20 questions popped up after the martini but I'll save them for another time - don't ya love a good martini?

Why do they put pimentos in olives and what is a pimento?

So, what is it about getting home from work, Jeff mixing martini's and sitting down in front of the fireplace that gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling.  Oh, wait, I know, and it's not the fire in the fireplace..............

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What about....???

What about..... this file I keep on my computer?  It is a file I have labeled "daily inspirations", it has quotes and sayings that I started keeping way back in 2000.  I was never sure why I kept these but I have decided that I'm gonna share.  I'll post them on days when my creative writing dial doesn't turn up all the way to high.

Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes.  I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.

So with that...........

Next on the list -

It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us...Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start.
Mother Teresa

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What about......clapping

Jeff and I had the opportunity to attend a convention a few weeks ago.  Fortunately, it is close enough to home so that we could sleep in our own bed and drive to class each day.  On the last day breakfast was served to the attendees and as you can probably guess, we were late.  I'm not usually late when the dinner bell rings - I'm usually first in line!!  But we stopped by the office to "do a couple things" which led to an hour of emails - therefore, making us late.  You know what we say - Make hay while the sun shines!

As we stood at the buffet line eating our breakfast (mind you, we were not alone) awards and raffles were being handed out.  As I watched, a thought came to mind - so I turned to Jeff and asked "where do you supposed the idea of clapping orginated?"  He chuckled and kept eating, "No, I'm serious, Jeff"

I was standing and watching 300 people, sitting around 30 tables, clapping.  It was the funniest thing becasue I hadn't heard the announcement (afterall, I was late for breakfast and slightly hungry, in other words - I was stuffing my face!) and all I saw when I turned around was a room full of people putting there hands together and making noise.

I googled it.  Maybe my next blog I should ask where "google" started.  Anyway,  I decided after seeing 200 pages explaing clapping and applause....... I don't think I really care that much.  But I do know that clapping either makes you smile or causes you to wonder why you're clapping in the first place

So, what is it about clapping that either puts a smile on your face, or gives that deer in the headlights look - I  should have been paying attention, I don't know what I'm clapping for.   Next time you're in the audience and the clapping begins, watch a few of the faces.  It's really very interesting. 

Gotta go, would someone shut the lights off when you leave.   CLAP, CLAP!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

What about...???

What about..... this file I keep on my computer?  It is a file I have labeled "daily inspirations", it has quotes and sayings that I started keeping way back in 2000.  I was never sure why I kept these but I have decided that I'm gonna share.  I'll post them on days when my creative writing dial doesn't turn up all the way to high.

Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes.  I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.

So with that...........

Next on the list -

If you have made mistakes, even serious mistakes, you may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.

Friday, September 30, 2011

What about.....a challenge

I'm still thinking about the fair....... visions of french fries dancing.... never mind.

My challenge is to all of you crafty people -  Let's put something in the exhibition hall next year!!!   I know we can do it!  I strolled through the other day and said to myself "Self, why don't you do something for this fair next year.  Afterall you have become quite the fantastic beginner crafter (if I must say so myself - making blackberry jam, kitchen curtains, a quilt and purse qualifies me as crafter, supervision (thank god!) qualifies me as beginner) 

So, folks, I think it's time to - for the very first time (remember I'll be turning 50 soon and 50 is my year of firsts) enter my wares into the country fair - makes me feel like Laura Ingalls, how cool is that. 

I'm gonna plan on it.  Oh, and I'm not looking for the blue ribbon, just the participation certificate to hang on the Wall of Firsts for Fifty!   Are you gonna join me?

So, what is it about a challenge that makes you forget your fears - okay, not forget, but put them at bay  - Do you have what it takes to step up to my challenge?!

Monday, September 19, 2011

What about.... today

There are some dates in time that will always be remembered.

Today is one - 32 years ago today, Fernando (now you'll have to go back and read - never mind, I never really told you why I call Jeff, Fernando- but I will someday) bought me a gold ring with a shiny stone and put it on my left ring finger.  It's better than the bright red lobster ring he bought me in 5th grade on the class trip to Pemaquid or the silver ring with a stone  - picked off the driveway and glued to the top - I don't remember when I received that beautiful gem.  The lobster ring made a much bigger impression.  After a very short courtship or a very long friendship - whichever way you choose to see it - wait,  change that ....  After a very short courtship AND a very long friendship we were engaged. 

So, today we are still friends, oh, and married.  Gotta go....  My BFF (Jeff) just called.

What about ....the fair

Things I have learned from working/volunteering at the Fair......

1.  I will never, ever again wear anything with spaghetti straps - and leave my house!
2.  Dirty old men - there still out there people
3.  Most people are generally good, kind and forgiving
4.  Some people are rotten, mean and - I'll stop there.
5.  Manners - would it hurt kids to ask "Can I have an order of french fries" instead of  "I need fries"  A please and thank you would be nice - but really, I'd settle for a kind attitude and smile, instead of a scowl and a demand.
6.  I like fair food.
7.  After 3 days of fair food, I don't like it so much.
8.  There really is a huge difference between the country mouse and the city mouse - I was completely fascinated by the people that would stand and watch cows milking - machine milking - How many would have loved to milk that baby by hand.  I know I would've loved to watched them watch.
9.  Little girls love to look at tractors.
10. Tractor pulls - still don't get it
11.  When you bet on a horse with the name "Martini with Olives" and think it will actually win - you've been at the fair too long.
12.  I still get a little tingling in the tummy when I hear "starter call the pacers".  Don't know why - I don't even watch the races - I think it's one of those childhood memories, remembering how everyone would walk to the fence with tickets in hand everytime I heard it.
13.  Seeing Aunt Sharon strolling the races, means all is right with the world. (again, those childhood memories)
14.  I wanted to stop on the last one, but it's number 13 so.......  fair bathrooms -  no matter how much you clean those things - still nasty, smelly.... but I now know, I can hold my breath, pee, wash me hands - all in under a minute. Speed peeing!

So, what is it about the fair that keeps calling my name.  "Pam" "oh Pam!" "We have fries for you.....While you're eating those we've got cow poop to step in, lots of dust blowing around from the pullings/races,  there's hours of standing on your feet wearing those ever so stylish rubber glove and serving up the burgers,  we'll even throw in some really, really, loud truck noises and then to top it all off, we'll keep you up all night with a stomach ache!"   OMG!  I can't wait til next year!

Friday, September 16, 2011

What about....???

What about..... this file I keep on my computer?  It is a file I have labeled "daily inspirations", it has quotes and sayings that I started keeping way back in 2000.  I was never sure why I kept these but I have decided that I'm gonna share.  I'll post them on days when my creative writing dial doesn't turn up all the way to high.

Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes.  I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.

So with that...........

Next on the list -

I know God promises not to give me more than I can handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much

Monday, September 12, 2011

What about....???

What about..... this file I keep on my computer?  It is a file I have labeled "daily inspirations", it has quotes and sayings that I started keeping way back in 2000.  I was never sure why I kept these but I have decided that I'm gonna share.  I'll post them on days when my creative writing dial doesn't turn up all the way to high.

Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes.  I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.

So with that...........

Next on the list -

When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.

Friday, September 9, 2011

What about....turning 50

Not me!  It's Jeff that's turning  50.  I've got another 4 months

I asked him what he would like to do for this big celebration  - is there something you'd like to do, somewhere you'd like to go, something you'd like to see?   (We made promises to each other a long time ago - no big surprise birthday parties)

His answer "No, not really"

To which I replied - "I'm gonna do something big for my 50th"

Jeff:  "Like what"

Pam:  "Don't know - but I'm working on it"

Jeff: "You have no idea, do you?"

Pam: "Nope"

So, What is it about turning 50 that makes us want to celebrate, but we just don't know what celebrating to do. Do we hike the Appliachian Trail, climb Mt. Washington, swim the English Chanel, go skydiving or bungee jumping?  OR....... should we just call it the year of fun -  the year of firsts - do things for the first time, ya' know - "this is the first time I've done this" - rock concert,  run around the house barefoot in the middle of winter, visit Fryeburg Fair, run a 5K, sing scaryokee, hmm - I'm gonna have to think about this one a little more........

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What about ....???

What about..... this file I keep on my computer?  It is a file I have labeled "daily inspirations", it has quotes and sayings that I started keeping way back in 2000.  I was never sure why I kept these but I have decided that I'm gonna share.  I'll post them on days when my creative writing dial doesn't turn up all the way to high.

Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes.  I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.

So with that...........

Next on the list -

As long as you're going to be thinking anyway, THINK BIG.

When the kids were young, probably early teenagers, we kinda combined this saying with another one........  Lindsey do you remember?????

Friday, August 5, 2011

What about.... July 2011

I've been busy..........  here's a few pictures just to let you know I haven't been watching soap opera's and eating bon bons in July
The bride and her Dad

Yet another picture of the happy couple......

The smoke..... a clear sign we can now call them husband and wife - As always, the cannons represent a celebratory event in Jewettville

She doesn't drink but the mention of champagne and she's there!!  There's still a little kid in her that just like to pop those corks!

My parents, celebrating 50 years - I know they look 50 years old but it's their 50th anniversary

Not sure what this is all about - but it's worth sharing

50 years and still cuttin' a rug - did I mention they met at a dance?

This would be the St. Pierre table -

After the wedding.....  a trip nawth (north)   - What better place for a pee break   Happy Hour Hair Salon - they knew we were coming!

Sometimes ya gotta pee and there's no time to take the slippers off

Mt. Washington - okay, it's really Mt. Katadin - but I haven't been able to call it by it's correct name for about 2 years.   So now I don't fight it - Mt Washington it is!

Get out of the road!!!!  Thank you.

A trip up nawth always entails hours of back road riding.....  Jeff's jeep got a little hot under the tires and decided she would trying flying.... Didn't work, but what an idea.

Speaking of tires....... whooops, wrong picture.  Not sure what this is about either but Dan, you're about to get kicked!!

Okay, now, speaking of tires  - well, let's just say Wayne isn't driving Carol's truck anymore - but it is nice to travel with the NASCAR pit crew.  They can change a flat tire in the middle of nowhere in an hour, FLAT! (you bet that pun was absolutely intended!)  Nice job Wayne,  somebody's gotta manage the crew!

The Moody Jr fam - Yes folks, the big guy on the left is "Little Jimmy"!!!  (your welcome, Jimmy)

Found my next Jeep - but I think I'll get it in navy or air force, which ever one will take me.   Sorry, that one was bad.

RETAIL THERAPY  - nuf said.

Did someone say therapy - we may need it after seeing the palm tree 2 miles from the Candian border!?!?!   Oh, and by the way, up close it looked like an pine tree - go figure that one out.

Just couldn't get that daughter of mine to pose!  Somethings she gets from her father!  I told her maybe if I posed real pretty, instead of The Bachelorette"  I could be on the show - "This Old Lady"  kinda like the Bachelorette meets "This Old House"! or instead of "Who Wants to Marry My Dad" ( 'member that one?) It could be "Who Wants to Hide my Mother"   Okay, moving on.......

In case you can't read the sign - it says Fort Kent

We did a lotta riding and picture takin'

We returned home to see half the roof gone on the elementary school my father, Jeff , me and Lindsey attended.   Kinda sad, huh?

We had visitors for our anniversay dinner!  They said they would be back soon to visit.

We haven't had many of our evening "Booze Cruises" this summer - but it ain't over yet!

Then off to a charity golf tournament - I a l m o s t got this car - a hole in one! - Really, not even close - but a girl can dream, can't she?

Pre-game discussions - where's that mouse in the corner?  I would like him to report these discussions.

Next, a 25th and 50th anniversary party for my cousin and aunt and uncle.  Here's a picture, Dad and Uncle Herbert  - isn't this a nice picture! 

Jeff's brother Jerry and his long time girlfriend, Charlotte.  Why Jerry, is that a smile!!??!!

Jeff and the Dr.  - what's up the those serious faces - it's party boys!  Something tells me they're talking shop!

I maybe busy and travel near and far (of Maine) but this is what I come home to......

And this is why I don't go away on vacation......  Why would I leave this?

So, what is it about my July that has left my head spinning, mind racing, body exhausted..... Oh wait, could it be -wedding, anniversary, my anniversary (31 years, no wonder I'm tired) trip to all points nawth, golf tournament, picnic at friends, days of 90 + temps,  yet - I can't wait for October - Did you think I was gonna say August?  Wrong - I hate August!  but I sure do like the nip in the air on these early mornings and evenings.  Maybe this August won't be so bad.  Anyway, August, here I come!  - and my new saying "Put on your seatbelts folks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

Friday, July 1, 2011

What about.... a wedding update

Okay folks, we're down to 4 days left until the big day..........

Friday night Lindsey and Ryan will be married on the dock at our house with a small amount of family present.   Saturday afternoon we will celebrate.  We have tent, tables, chairs, plates, napkins, silverware, cake, dresses, ties, food, DJ, flowers, bar.....

We have appointments for manicures, pedicures, hair.....

We have

As you can see I started this post a days ago.....  and that was a far as I got - but I thought you'd get a kick out of it!

Today is the day......

   Our daughter get married
    My parents start a 50th wedding anniversary celebration - like I've said in earlier posts 50 years must take
       a month to celebrate.
I ask today...

    legs, please hold me up
    mouth, don't get me in trouble
    arms, be generous, hug the world
    eyes, sparkle with pride and joy
    heart, don't bust, I know you're really full today but I need you to just focus.....beat, beat, beat

And, please, if you can hear me, let me know you're here with us today and tomorrow.  A big fan (gentle breeze) and a screeching of tires would be nice..

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What updates

Okay,  It's getting really close - 18 days!!!  so the bride reminded me!

Dress fitting later today for Lindsey......Oh, how I wish I could post pictures.  I don't even dare take my camera for fear I would post to the world!!

Later tonight - wedding food discussions! 

I'd stay a chat  - but, Jeff just reminded me I've got a job!  Crap! Just when I was in the middle of wedding mania.

So,  I'll update you as I can but in the meantime.........

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I was served my coffee this morning "on the dock".   While relaxing and watching Jeff fish I marveled at how peaceful and quiet it was - total relaxation - just like you see in pictures.....adirondack chairs, hot coffee in hands, dog sitting by my side (well kinda), husband fishing and telling me about his day, ......  get the picture??

No fish were hungry this morning, but they did have a little "piss and vinegar" in them - now really what kind of statement is that, where on earth did it come from - anyway, just as Jeff reeled in the pole for the last time and was putting it away a fish jumped right in front of the dock.  It was so close and so loud it jumped all of us (Jeff, me, Piper and Winnie, or course!)and it didn't help that he stuck his tongue out and said, Nah,nah,nahnah, nah!!!  Yup, the pole went back in the water!  Then another (or probably the same little devil) jumped in the cove.  I was done with coffee!!  My pole went in the water too.  Thinking to myself, "this place must be loaded with fish", " I bet I'll put my line in and in no time I'll be the fishing champ of the morning!"  "Won't Jeff be ticked when I start catching all the fish", I can picture him saying, "I gotta go, I've got things to do today" to which I would reply, "Okay, honey, I'll catch a few more fish and be right there!", Crap do I even have a fishing license?"

As, we fished and watched them jumping around us (and no, they were not alewives, they were big fish - we could see them jumping) we reeled in empty line after empty line.  Then the morning changed.....

"I'm out of coffee"!  "Just a couple more casts, okay Jeff?"  "Try over there, Pam", "Winnie, stop whinning!",  "Hey, where'd Piper go?"  "Oh, I might have bite..... no.......... weeds" "Man, the mosquitos are thick".  You've got one on your arm (slap!), got it",  "Okay, two more casts and I'm done", "Alright two more casts and I'm done",  "Winnie, sit still you're scaring the fish", "Piper, get out of the boat".  Again, get the picture????

So, what is it about fishing that's relaxing?  Sometimes it seems more like a morning workout - stand up, sit down, chase a dog, slap mosquitos, run for more coffee, run to the bathroom, chase a dog, turn red cause I'm so ticked at the fish, cast and cuss, that's it I'm not calling it fishing anymore.  On my dock - it's now known as "Cast and Cuss"!    Come sit and relax a spell!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What about....???

What about..... this file I keep on my computer?  It is a file I have labeled "daily inspirations", it has quotes and sayings that I started keeping way back in 2000.  I was never sure why I kept these but I have decided that I'm gonna share.  I'll post them on days when my creative writing dial doesn't turn up all the way to high.

Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes.  I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.

So with that...........

Next on the list -

Often God has to shut a door in our face so that He can subsequently open the door through which He wants us to go.

This had such a different meaning to me when I first saved it 10 years ago..... 

God, if you're listening, could you please stop shutting doors in my face and just give me a gentle nudge, please????

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What about.... our weekend

Thought I would share my weekend with you......

Lilacs are in bloom!  My fav!

Did a little shower celebrating!  31 Days and counting!  The days seem to zip by a little faster lately!

The grandpa's

The silly young ones!  Not sure what going on here, but it all ended well, really!

More young ones.... Jeremy got left with daughter and neice while gifts were opened.  Everything is under control.

Once again, never enough food - I think we're all still eating leftovers!

And then there was cake.   I think it passed the taste test - and it wears nicely too!

Is it just me or do you see a whole lotta family resemblence there?

Believe it or not,..... show and tell of Timmy's woodsplitter!

Jeff and his great-niece - a quick study of dinosaurs.

The happy couple!

So, why is it we always wait for celebrations to get together with family and friends?  Oh wait, did I tell you about Happy Hour?  We do this every weekend.... when will you stopping by?

Friday, May 27, 2011


Yesterday I was weeding the gardens  - now there's a statement you can picture.  After 20 days of continuous rain (okay maybe not 20 - but I did tell Jeff "I think we need to start thinking about an ark"), wedding was top on the list.  OMG!  The wedding is definately on my mind but I really did mean weeding.  Isn't it amazing how 1 little typo can change the whole world - big difference between wedding and weeding, right?

Anyway,  as I'm weeding I notice dandelions - but very, very small dandelions the leaves, or greens, were only about 1 inch long and the whole plant only 2 1/2 to 3" around.  From there I remembered a visit to a quilt shop - remember the famous Shop Hop Mom, Lindsey and I went on -   that had mini's.  These where quilts that where only 12 - 14 inches" in size, more like a wall hanging.  But look like a quilt, just super small.  Where talking extremely small pieces - and you can be very, very sure that I will never attempt these!

Then I thought.......  about the supersize meals, TV's, refridgerators, furniture, beds (remember when everyone had double beds, now it's queen or king) chicken breasts - have you noticed how they keep getting bigger and bigger,  1/2 a chicken breast can now feed a family of four!!  Don't get me started on this one - watch Food Inc.   Then come talk about chicken breasts.

I admit, I love my 40"tv.  I can watch it from almost anywhere in my house.  Why?

So, what's up with the supersized life?  Is our eyesight getting so bad that we can't see things in a smaller size.  How about remembering when getting a hamburger didn't mean  a 1/4 pound of beef, or when ordering a drink was a 8 oz glass, not 1/2 a gallon.  Do you really need a 1/2 gallon??

Just don't touch my tv!!! It's staying right where it is.......

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What about....????

What about..... this file I keep on my computer?  It is a file I have labeled "daily inspirations", it has quotes and sayings that I started keeping way back in 2000.  I was never sure why I kept these but I have decided that I'm gonna share.  I'll post them on days when my creative writing dial doesn't turn up all the way to high.

Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes.  I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.

So with that...........

Next on the list 

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

Is this like, super  freaky!!! Goosebumps!!

 This was really the next on my list!! 

Wow, maybe I'll buy a lottery ticket today!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What about....Thirsty Thursday

I said to Jeff the other day - I wonder how old the average person was when they first heard the term "Thirsty Thursday"  I was 43 - what's that tell ya?  Lindsey had started college, that about sums it up, doesn't it.  Just to clarify - Lindsey is not a drinker - I'm not a naive mother, really, Lindsey is not a drinker.

If Thursday is thirsty, what is Friday, Saturday........?

I got it.......

Fuzzy Navel Friday
Sex on the Beach Saturday
Sallyhattan Sunday
Mojito Monday
Boozeday Tuesday
Winey Wednesday

So, all I'm saying is...... tomorrow's Thursday - do you feel a thirst coming on! n Cheers!

What about....underwear

The average person  owns 17 pairs of underwear.  (sorry, there will be no pictures today)

Why does this matter?
Who actually did this study? and did they stop people on the streets, "Excuse me, how many pairs of underwear to you own?"
Why do we call them pairs - does that mean the average person actually owns 34 panties? (or whitey tighties for the men in the group)
Does this contribute to World Peace?
and is it safe for the environment?

Next, they'll do a study on who folds their underwear when putting them away, what temperature water do you wash your underwear in, what color is your underwear and how oftern do you buy new underwear?

If they start doing studies -  granny panties or butt floss - I will protest!

So, why is it studies like this are done.  Do they actually matter? or, better yet, for those of you who have already counted...... are you average?

Monday, May 16, 2011

What about..... Can you say WINNER?

Just so we're all clear about this - I no longer will watch Two and a half Men! 

Winner, winner, winner!  Okay a little background blogging for you ( the following from a Feb. blog)

Every Sunday night a group of "fans" meet at our house.  Now that racing has begun, so has the betting.  Yup, that's right, we all put a dollar  in the kitty (Anyone know why they call it a kitty and not a doggy?? me either.)  and choose who we think will win the race the following week.  As I sit back and listen to the chatter of who runs good on this track, and who won on this track last year, who got a new engine this week, who had a tummy ache yesterday ......  I realized, after the first year of betting ( this is year two )  I now have favorites too!!  And here they are:

That guy that drives the the Crown Royal Car - 'cause I really like the royal look of purple and gold together (and if I pick him I have to have a Crown Royal Manhattan just as the race starts,and if, with 5 laps left he's in the top 5 I must have another to boost him along!)  On a good day I remember is name - Matt Kenseth.  Ya know what? -  I'd like to see him win a race and then grab a Crown bottle and take a swig - ditch the gatorade, coke,  or whatever is they drink

DOVER, DE - MAY 15:  Matt Kenseth (2R), driver of the #17 Wiley X Sunglasses Ford, his wife, Katie(L), and children, Kaylin and Grace Kenseth, pose in Victory Lane during the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series FedEx 400 Benefiting Autism Speaks at Dover International Speedway on May 15, 2011 in Dover, Delaware.
Okay, I take back the whole thing about winning and Crown Royal.  I always thought of any race car driver as a rebel, wild, fast, driving, rebel.   Obviously, I'm still learning...... family man - family drink!

Can you say Winner!                  

DOVER, DE - MAY 15:  Matt Kenseth, driver of the #17 Wiley X Sunglasses Ford, crosses the finish line to win the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series FedEx 400 Benefiting Autism Speaks at Dover International Speedway on May 15, 2011 in Dover, Delaware.DOVER, DE - MAY 15: Matt Kenseth, driver of the #17 Wiley X Sunglasses Ford, crosses the finish line to win the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series FedEx 400 Benefiting Autism Speaks at Dover International Speedway on May 15, 2011 in Dover, Delaware.

DOVER, DE - MAY 15:  Matt Kenseth, driver of the #17 Wiley X Sunglasses Ford, celebrates in Victory Lane after winning the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series FedEx 400 Benefiting Autism Speaks at Dover International Speedway on May 15, 2011 in Dover, Delaware.
What's that in your hand Matty ( we're buds now - he told me to call him Matty, afterall, I am $36 richer because of his determination)
DOVER, DE - MAY 13:  Matt Kenseth, driver of the #17 Wiley X Sunglasses Ford, sits in his car during practice for the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series FedEx 400 Benefiting Autism Speaks at Dover International Speedway on May 13, 2011 in Dover, Delaware.
See it...... can you hear him thinking...... "someone tell that old lady from Maine that it's just a race and if she doesn't stop calling me Matty - well, let's just say, I have driving skills and I know how to use them"

So, what is it about the thrill of victory - it puts a little punch in your step.  It makes you want to pull into the driveway after a long days work, jump onto the door, put your hands in the air, pound down a gatorade (seriously, Pam a gatorade?, yup!but once the dinner dishes are done and the fireplace is lit, you guessed it, Crown Royal - there goes my $ 36 )  and yell from the roof top.....I'm still thinking what I want to yell, but rest assured, you'll probably hear me!