
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What about...... dancing with wolves, etc..

You've heard of Dancing with wolves, running with knives.........?  Right?

But have you heard of swimming with glasses?   If not, make a note to self  "if you wear glasses when jumping in the water you probably won't be wearing them when you come out of the water".

I speak from experience.

Need I say more?

So, what is it about losing a pair of glasses that makes you feel completely lost and unable to function normally, oh, wait - you can't see - lost in blurriness.  By the way, I think it even diminishes your hearing, wait, maybe I read lips and didn't realize it.

1 comment:

  1. People are quite amazed that I can't hear without my glasses! But, to me, it's perfectly normal, and has always been the case.
