
Friday, July 6, 2012

What about.....a redneck's Disney World!!

Need I say more...... 

 Last weekend we made the trip to the annual Moose Lottery Drawing- Everyone know what I mean?...  You pay money to put your name into a drawing to get a permit to shoot a moose.  Simple, right??

I took this picture thinking I'd hopefully enter the Best of the Beast Photo Contest.  I was hoping Jeff would get a permit, after putting his name in the lottery 25 years I thought it was time.  Wouldn't that be fun.  Maybe a picture of baby Oscah riding his first moose.....or maybe a picture of baby Oscah lasooing a moose.... or....... maybe a picture of baby Oscah napping in the antlers....... or......move on Pam.

This is where it started 

Followed by a little fooling around with my camera and The Jones families.  Three of them were soothing a sweet tooth..........  We see you Carol......

This is the camera man from that show "North Woods Law"  and the place was loaded with "Hollywood Wardens"  You'd have to watch the show to fully understand that phrase.  And, no, I don't get paid to say that, although, maybe I ............  never mind

Mom and Dad - they had the comfy chairs in the back - the rest of us, hard plastic pain in the butt chairs, literally!

Let the festivities begin!!

Wayne gets his name drawn right of the bat!  Interviews followed and then the planning begins.

Oh wait!   An hour later....... MY NAME!

The plans start changing..........

So, why is it- just when you've got the bull by the horns, someone adds a set of horns!  Get it, "bull by the horns"  In case you couldn't guess we both both got bull permits.  

Gotta go,
I've got guns to try on!
Gotta find the perfect fit!

and btw -    Fifty is turning out Fabulous, wouldn't you say?

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