
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What about..... this weather!

Guess where I had my coffee this morning..........That's right,

ON THE DOCK!  Ice is out - as of last night.  So the first part of the dock went in this morning!

Don't ya love the reflections!

So, what is it about that first Spring morning having coffee on the dock watching the dogs look at the water, look back at us, look at the water, look back at us......  I think Piper wanted to try out her swimming legs again, and Winnie, well, she disappeared as soon as she saw the camera - as usual -   Anyway, it makes everything feel new again.  Time to get out the flip-flops and......... 
Gotta go,  Jeff put the rest of the dock in this afternoon and ya know what that means............Yes, you do...........c'mon, you know.............. Right!    Martini's on the Dock!!  Happy Spring!

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