
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What about.... I've been busy

But I hope I'm back!!

 (found this post this morning and thought I share.... getting lost in blogger land brought me this find)

It's been a busy winter, here's a few pictures so you can see for yourself......

Some time spent with my little miss Sweet Checks!

My Polar Dip

Some weekends ice fishing!

Celebrating another 50th birthday, Happy Birthday, Gussy.  Welcome to my decade!

And another 50th birthday - check out her necklace.  Happy Birthday, Lynda.  Welcome.

A little more time with the Sweet One!

A trip to Jewettville North - caught this moose scurrying off - I take it he didn't like my new bright red camera.

 And, a little shopping for our baby Oscah. 
In case you can't see it, he's ready for the Moose Hunt 2012
I know, I know, Oscah might be a girl in which case, this should still fit!


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