It's official and I can now say it..........
I'm gonna be a grandmother!!!!
Ain't that a slap in the 50 year old face! Oscah, as we so loving refer to it (doesn't Oscah sound better than It? see, it works) should be arriving on-stage in July (July 20th if you want to be a little more precise). He'll be on stage but, oh baby, I'll be the one doing the baby dance!
We'll soon be placing our bets - mine is July 15th and he'll probably weight 8 lbs. 4 oz. but my dream last night says 9 lbs. 3 oz.
I'm am excited, in case you couldn't tell. There are some many things about this that are exciting....
My baby is having her first baby and all the things she will get to experience. I've all ready told her, "sleep now! cause now you can"
The sweet baby smell - I said sweet smell
The sour baby smell - Ya know what that one is.
Baby noises - all those noises, even the crying is a joy to hear. (ask me about that one later, say, August)
Watching a sleeping baby - is there anything better.
Rocking baby to sleep.
The clapping and cheering for life's little accomplishments like, burping and, well, ya know, the other end noise, smiling, rolling over, sitting up............
So, what is it about being called a grandmother tha,t well, almost makes my heart skip a beat - oh- that's my heart doing the baby dance!!!