I recyle. I think.
Today I took a little trip to "the dump", which I'm now told is actually "the transfer station", to return my glass, tin, plastics etc...... and either I don't recyle enough or nobody really recyles. You see, usually, I'm not the one that takes all this stuff - someone else is always taking it for me. But today, in my quest for independence and self worth, I decided I would take my own "stuff". Everything was packed into my car - ever so carefully seperated - I pulled up, and lo' and behold, NO SIGNS - ANYWHERE! I had to ask for help - ask for help at "the dump" now there's something to think about. There's a barrel here for this and a barrel there for that, then completely across the parking lot are dumpsters - again, nothing labeled! After peaking thru the barrels and dumpsters, being the brightest bulb in the the box, I thought I had it all figured out - but after pondering this all the way home - what the heak really happens to "my stuff".
Do I really want to know? Am I wasting my time rinsing and seperating everything?
So, after much thought, I have decided I will continue my recycling quest. I will rinse, seperate and return anything I can and do MY best to "save the world one tin can at a time". I want my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to know that I am doing everything I can to make their world a better place. Do you? Should you? Can you? Recycle.
I recycle. I'm sure.
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