
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What about ....???

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
Helen Keller

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What about... re-charging

How does one re-charge?  If you're a battery you plug yourself in and full up with energy, so as humans how do we re-charge?  By the way if you stick your finger in the electrical socket I don't think you'll feel re-charged but you will end up with a stunning new hair style. 
This was how I re-charged this weekend.......

 A long walk through the woods....

and water......

To a fabulous destination......

A quick call to Gram to let her know how crazy we are...  okay, we're not crazy, we're just not right sometimes.  Or as my friend Wayne says - you can't fix stupid!  So, do I want to be crazy or stupid.  Crazy it is - cause sometimes I need to be fixed and "you can't fix stupid"  Ain't that cute!

Can you tell what that is?  Here's a hint.....

Check out the sand on them there pigs - this little piggy went to market, this litte piggy....... 

That's right Lindsey and I whipped off the shoes and put the feet right in the water - in November.  And I'm just gonna tell ya if there hadn't been a couple of duck hunters nearby we would have had Lynda in the water with us.  That's right,  we would have stripped down and gone in!

A few more mintues of relaxing  - all I can think of here is Huck Finn - shouldn't I have been doing something else like whitewashing a fence or something! 

So, What about your recharging??? Wanna start it with a good laugh......

We visited the windmills at Kibby Mtn. - doesn't that look like three grown men peeeiiiinnnnggg over the cliff!!!  They really weren't - they were discussing how much fill probably had to be hauled in to make the roads and what equipment  etc...  etc.....etc.....   But don't ya think peeing over the edge might be more edgey?!?!? A little on the wild side!!!

Now that you're laughing -  recharge!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What mix ups

Did I miss the Christmas season or is this a Thanksgiving cactus?
This sits on my desk in the office and I get the pleasure of its beauty all day!

Monday, November 8, 2010

What about...... wind power

If you think that this is going to be some kind of intellectual post on wind power .....think again.  A couple  weekends ago Jeff and I visited the new wind mills on Kibby Mountain.  Those things are huge....

Jeff thought we could drive up to 'em - I told him he was crazy....they won't let anyone drive up to them.     You see, if I tell him he's crazy and can't do it I usually get proven wrong - somehow I make it work for me!

As we drive my thoughts start up.... where does power come from anyway, all I really know is that when I turn the switch it's there (isn't that an old CMP commerical) and when the tree falls on the wires, the generator comes on.  So my brief lecture from Jeff begins with something about friction, steam, turbines.....(start hearing dreamy music, cause this is about where I lost him and starting thinking to myself) ......  Do you see the snow on the side on the road.....what do you suppose the moose think about these massive things invading their space.  Do you suppose they all got together one night during the full moon and picketed the project? Can squirrels climb those towers?  What a great place to hang a bird feeder.  How many wind mills does it take turn on my hair dryer???

Huge I'm telling you......huge!

Not only did Jeff tell me that we could drive to them, 

I got to touch them.  What for and why I'm not sure - just 'cause I can maybe.....

or maybe it was to hold on before getting blown away - there's a reason why they call 'em wind mills!

This, my friends, is just to show that I'm not afraid to post stupid pictures of myself.  I took this hoping it would show how gigantic  the windmills are, but what it really shows is that I'm no photographer - anyone knows not to take a picture looking up your nose and letting everyone know it's time to hit the salon for roots color. 

So, what about your thoughts on alternative power.  Does it make you stop and think - as you can see it made me stop and think.  I've cut back  - no hair dryer on Tuesdays so if you meet me on the street on a Tuesday and don't recognize meet with the baseball cap and sunglass on, just remember it's a no hair dryer day and hope the hat doesn't get blown away - it won't be pretty!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What about......magazines

So, I just reached for one of my new magazines that just came in the mail.  Before I can reach for a new one I must clean off my desk, clear the office, put the dogs in their crates, make sure the phone is forwarded to Fernando -  okay Jeff (I think I'm done with changing the names as I've discovered none of us are really that innocent anyway) and make my last minute trip to the ladies room  - when I get back to my desk I don't want to be interrupted.   My new favorite is Natural Health - just writing it gets me giddy and I can't wait - but I thought blogging should come first - only because I had a thought and my memory isn't what it used to be.  Cover says Natural Health - feel good, look good, do good.  Now why wouldn't everyone want to read this. It continues, Happy starts here, Boost your brain power, Master the art of gratitue, New rules for eating meat. Pretty much covers it all doesn't it - happy, smart, grateful, eating. 

I like to looking through my magazine quickly looking at the pictures on each page, making a mental note that this article is one I definitely want to read and I go all the way to the back cover.  Then I go back and start reading some of the articles. Then the phone rings or the dogs need to go outside and I carefully put my reading into my bag to take home to read when things are quiet.

Two weeks later I pull the still new magazine (I've yet to take it out of the bag and finish reading) and start all over again  - phones, dogs, bathroom etc.... because now it's almost new.  What I really like to do is take my mags to the dock and sit and read while watching the sunset, but that's not how it usually happens.  I usually end up chasing a dog or watching the loons.  So then I pack up my mags and take them into the house cause I am determined to read it in bed.  Imagine.....all cuddle up in my warm bed, reading light on, music playing the background and ....  you guessed it my alarm goes off. Didn't even read the first page and it's morning.

As I start again I notice ads for exercise equipment and videos,  fish oils, natural dogfood...  I understand all these but then, could someone please explain to me why the next full page ad is for Hydroxycut - am I missing something here - Is this a natural way to loose weight, what is Hydroxycut???? Should any weight loss help end in the word cut?  Doesn't that make it sound easy - simply cut the weight away.

Move on Pam.......turn the page........., body butter, cranberry and pomegranate sugar scrub, vanilla almond custard hand lotion, okay I'm feeling a little better now, my confidence in my magazine has been renewed.

Next, vegging out, that's right a vegan diet. I quickly turn the page and start dreaming about prime rib, medium rare, baked potato topped with sour cream and a huge sprinkling of bacon bits, not the kind out the jar but bacon fresh out of the oven and chopped ever so carefully and "dumped" on top of that scrumptous potato. Oh, how about topping that off with pumpkin cheesecake.....  I'm gonna re-think that Hydroxycut ad.... no, I'll just turn the page, fish oil and flaxseed oil - I'm back into the natural world.  Time to head home for supper.... here comes that dream music vision of prime rib dance through my head.

Tonight's Jewettville menu, grilled salmon topped with a garlic and basil , sauteed spinach in garlic olive oil (evoo, for those of you who might know my friend Rachel) and steamed broccoli accompanied by a glass of red wine - don't tell me I can't have the wine I gave up the sour cream, potato and bacon.... I will have wine!  Afterall, it is red and heart healthy. Although, no ads in the magazine for wine, but again, Hydroxycut made the cut, go figure!

So, what about..... your magazines, are they informative or confusing.  Where do you read them?  Do you read them or do you really just like to look at the pictures.  Do you like self care magazines, housekeeping  magazines, home improvement magazines or do you, like me, somehow manage to turn every magazine to food ( and yes, I can turn a home improvement magazine into a food subject, I have that magical power) .  We'll have to talk later - I gotta go get something to eat!