
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What about.....another moose hunt!

And the winner is............

drum roll please....................

My hubby
Can I please get an AMEN! 
Thank you.
He's been putting his name in for over 20 years and he finally got his name drawn.
He's modeling his new hat - Moose Festival 2013.  I think I should get a big black marker and write WINNER across the back.  What ya think??
Looks like there will be a mighty moose hunt in October at Jewettville North (which reminds me, got lots to tell you about Jewettville North).....  Oh, oh, oh,  the stories I will tell.
So what about this thing called a moose hunt that makes a grown woman flutter with excitement.  Could it be the people that will crowd into camp - I love a crowded camp!, the thought of - what will we eat - I love when we're all together to eat!, or the fact that my husband, the mighty hunter, put my father in as his sub-permitee (the only one that can go with him carry a gun, and be by his side (there's rules about how far away they can't get from each other)) *sigh*...........
I can't wait!

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