
Thursday, October 27, 2011

What about......clapping

Jeff and I had the opportunity to attend a convention a few weeks ago.  Fortunately, it is close enough to home so that we could sleep in our own bed and drive to class each day.  On the last day breakfast was served to the attendees and as you can probably guess, we were late.  I'm not usually late when the dinner bell rings - I'm usually first in line!!  But we stopped by the office to "do a couple things" which led to an hour of emails - therefore, making us late.  You know what we say - Make hay while the sun shines!

As we stood at the buffet line eating our breakfast (mind you, we were not alone) awards and raffles were being handed out.  As I watched, a thought came to mind - so I turned to Jeff and asked "where do you supposed the idea of clapping orginated?"  He chuckled and kept eating, "No, I'm serious, Jeff"

I was standing and watching 300 people, sitting around 30 tables, clapping.  It was the funniest thing becasue I hadn't heard the announcement (afterall, I was late for breakfast and slightly hungry, in other words - I was stuffing my face!) and all I saw when I turned around was a room full of people putting there hands together and making noise.

I googled it.  Maybe my next blog I should ask where "google" started.  Anyway,  I decided after seeing 200 pages explaing clapping and applause....... I don't think I really care that much.  But I do know that clapping either makes you smile or causes you to wonder why you're clapping in the first place

So, what is it about clapping that either puts a smile on your face, or gives that deer in the headlights look - I  should have been paying attention, I don't know what I'm clapping for.   Next time you're in the audience and the clapping begins, watch a few of the faces.  It's really very interesting. 

Gotta go, would someone shut the lights off when you leave.   CLAP, CLAP!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

What about...???

What about..... this file I keep on my computer?  It is a file I have labeled "daily inspirations", it has quotes and sayings that I started keeping way back in 2000.  I was never sure why I kept these but I have decided that I'm gonna share.  I'll post them on days when my creative writing dial doesn't turn up all the way to high.

Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes.  I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.

So with that...........

Next on the list -

If you have made mistakes, even serious mistakes, you may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.