
Thursday, January 2, 2020

What 6 year vacation

Vacation..... smacation!

I've been away for a bit (bit my butt! it's been five years!)  A lot has changed during my smacation.....

1.  I now have two beautiful, smart, kind, funny, loving (too much?) grandchildren.  I am spending all the time I can with them and doing everything I can with them ...... Hence, the smacation!  OMG! I'm exhausted! - But I'm smiling!

2.  Our dear Piper has gone to doggy heaven.  But before she left she got to meet our new adventure, Hattie.  They had a little chat, I heard Piper mention something about - "climb up in his lap when he sits down to watch TV", run around and make it look like you're chasing something - he'll call it training," and "he'll really like it if you go plowing with him (he'll talk to while you sleep)" AND we have a new granddog - Willow.   Willow and Hattie love each other, can ya tell?
Willow and Hattie

4.   I have lost weight.  Oh wait, no worry, I found it again!

So, what is it about a vacation - 1 week or 6 years - that leaves you exhausted.  When was your last vacation?   Did you spend your time relaxing by the water or getting in every last adventure you could?   But the big question - did you come back from vacation smiling?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What about..... Jewettville North "the chimney"

That thing has got to go........
That's what Jeff said, then he continued on about the outside and something about falling apart and leaning to the side, etc....
all I heard was "that thing has got to go"
I was gonna explain where the chimney is - but if you can't figure that one out....(okay, it's big piece the stove pipe goes into)

This is the door leading into the living room - coats are hanging on the chimney on the right....

Yes, Ryan, it has to go.....

While you're at it, keep your eye on the magic wall.......

brick by brick by brick by brick.........

by brick.......

chimney gone

And so is the magic wall.
Door is gone too!

I think I should start calling the guys - "Magic Men" - no they don't dance, 
or do they......???????

The wall came tumbling down...

and down.....

yes folks,
 it looks like they do dance!!

So, what is it about .......... Did I mention when we bought this place, that I do love a good project.

What's next?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

What about..... Jewetville North "The furnace"

When we bought our camp the furnace was in the living room (no that's not a typo, living room).

Notice the furnace...
(big brown thing to the left of the door)

Now you see it......... (the big brown thing right there)

Okay, you still see it but not for long..........

Big hole, no trouble....

And now, no furnace.
(we do have a new furnace, it's just in a better place, and so is the old one)

So, what is it about this place.....  All we do is work!  I do love a good project,

So stay tuned

Thursday, March 20, 2014

What about ....???

What about..... this file I keep on my computer? It is a file I have labeled "daily inspirations", it has quotes and sayings that I started keeping way back in 2000. I was never sure why I kept these but I have decided that I'm gonna share. I'll post them on days when my creative writing dial doesn't turn up all the way to high.

Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes. I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.

So with that...........

Next on the list -

Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

What about.....we're all little a like, aren't we?

The other night Jeff and I had a discussion about guns.

If you think I'm gonna talk about the right to bear arms.....  think again.

Every year or so ( and this has gone on for many years) Jeff likes to update me on his guns - what he has, where it came from, who it came from, what his plans are for it, etc...  He gets them out one by one.  He tips them in his hands back and forth, checking it all over, looks up at me, gives me the low down, the history - what he shot with it or/and plans to shot with it and how much meat that has or will put on the table, and then wipes it down to keep it shiny and clean.  He sets it ever so carefully against the wall and proceeds onto the next one.  I won't tell you how many guns or how long this takes - I lose count and then get confused....

As I stand back and watch I realized - we're all a little a like, aren't we? 

He gets his guns out and handles them much the same way I pull out my fabric.

I pull it out, run my hands over it, smell it (not sure why I smell it, and no, Jeff does not smell his guns.) and proceed to tell Jeff where I got it, what my plans are for it and how warm it will keep us once I turn it into a quilt..

So, what is it about being alike that doesn't end with just Jeff and me (or is it I, doesn't matter to me you get my point) - I watch him and Ryan do the same thing - they pull out the guns and...  you know the story.  Then I find Lindsey and I (or is it me......just trying to keep you on your grammar toes)  in my sewing room pulling out fabric and....(no, Lindsey doesn't smell it like I do) you know the rest of the story. 

Do we all share our precious treasures with the ones we love. 

What do you have for precious treasures that you like to get out every so often and clean, polish and smell!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What about..... Jewettville North North

Last week we sold our camp.  We referred to it as Jewettville North so when we bought a new camp just six miles north of the old one, we refer to it as Jewettville North North or new camp.

So now, we officially own one camp - Jewettville North.

Let me introduce you.....

This is in March when we bought

This summer....

Again, March

and again, summer
She's a beauty, and we've already started making memories. 
Stayed tuned as I take you with me through the demolition, renovations, repairs, installations, decorating,  and did I mention there will be wine (wink, wink).
So, what is it about saying goodbye to something that has been such a huge part of our lives, and saying hello or "how you doing" (say it like Joey from friends, no, try again like you mean it...... much better) that makes my head spin - goodbye, hello, goodbye, hello.......  

Thursday, August 29, 2013

What about......Aug 27th

For those that know me they know what this date means to me.  But for those that don't .......

Aug 27, 2008 was the day our world fell, dropped, exploded into a million pieces, the bottom completely fell out.... it was the day we lost our son in a motorcycle accident.  Okay, we didn't really lose him, we know where he is, so why is this the phrase that is used.  I use it, I hear everyone else use it, but it still doesn't make sense to me.  Is it because of my faith that I know he's not lost, alone, searching for someone, something..... anyway, that's a whole other discussion.......back to the date.

For the past 5 years we - family & friends - have gathered at our house (around that table that I shared earlier).  We receive tons and tons or texts, calls, emails and people that stop by ...... which we absolutely love!!  We love that people remember, that they know what a horrible day it is.  We have thought about this day - We want this day to feel better, be different, not be so terribly sad.  We would really like to wipe this day of the calendar.  But, we can't.

So, if we could put our spin on this one, this day, we would proclaim it Jason's Day.  We would play basketball and soccer, go fishing, leave some tire marks on the road, go to the fair, and yes, enjoy a beer for him while listening to some very loud music.  That's what we're gonna aim for next year.  We will never forget what this days means and we will still look for all your texts, emails, phone calls and visits ( these are what get us through the day and make us stronger ) and, you're always welcome to come fishing with us.

It wasn't planning on putting this on here, but I write here what's in my heart and on my mind.

I remember the day of visiting hours before the funeral, a old friend said to me "time heals, Pam, but there will always be a scar".  I get it..... I wish I didn't.  The scar hasn't healed and I now know it never will. 

So, what about this scar - every so often it "acts up", it might be August 27 or it could be any other day ......... it's like an old battle wound.  Some days I can put a Band-Aid on it and it's okay and other days........ let's just say it "acts up". 

Friday, August 9, 2013

What about..... Friday Fun Memories


place:  Jewettville

when:  December 2012
This was the snowstorm we missed.   We were in the northwest mountains of Maine when a "Noreastah" hit home.  Hardly any snow in the mountains - but plenty of snow at home.  I sat at camp while receiving pictures from Mom and Dad showing the huge amounts of snow on their deck.  On our way home from camp Dad called to give me the total snowfall amount, to which I replied - "Oh, I wished I'd been home"!  To that he replied "I told your Mother your a good 'ol Maine girl and you'd be sorry you missed it"!
So, what is it about August that already has me looking forward to snow.  Could it be August is my least favorite month or could it be I AM a good 'ol Maine good girl - I'm telling ya there's nothing like the feeling of being "snowed in". Clean white snow covering everything. Trudging (is that a word?) through the snow in hip boots.  Shoveling......and shoveling...........   I love it!