
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What about....???

What about..... this file I keep on my computer? It is a file I have labeled "daily inspirations", it has quotes and sayings that I started keeping way back in 2000. I was never sure why I kept these but I have decided that I'm gonna share. I'll post them on days when my creative writing dial doesn't turn up all the way to high.

Some of these will be funny, some insightful, others will be motivating while some will bring tears to your eyes. I will take them from the file as they are - in no special order.

So with that...........

Next on the list -

Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.

Monday, January 2, 2012

What about..... a new year

First, let's talk about this old year - 2011

Was it everthing I expected as I started looking into 2011 ?

Let's see.......

January -  I turned 49.  That's it, just 49 - started planning the 50th YEAR.
                 I also vowed to never diet again.  I may change my eating habits, but I
                 will not use that four-lettered "D" word again!
                 Hauled out the lawn chairs and put them out on the ice so I could see
                 the sunsets, also figured out that if I made a martini and set it in the
                 snow beside the lawn chair - it stays cold.
                 Hummmm.....January, not turning out to bad........

February - Wedding planning - When, where, how and in case you're quessing -
                  we know the who!
                   Our baby turned 25 - how the h.....  did that happen!

March - I was the first person in the pond - let's just say, it was wet!
              Funny part was, it wasn't even that cold.
              Hey! Wasn't I suppose to get a trophy or something?
               Our Jason would be 27 this month - thinking of him is easy,
              we do it every day - missing him is the heartache that never goes away
                (sorry folks, but it is his birthday month!)

April - dock in, boat in.  Which means - sunsets on the dock or an evening booze cruise......

             Oh crap! and more wedding planning.  And, I started running, okay,
             jogging, all right,  exercising....  anyway,  I got off the couch!
              And...... we visited 34 Quilt shops in 30 days!! 

May - yardwork, house cleaning, swimming, sunsets on the dock,
           more running, more wedding planning.
           Won my first NASCAR bet!

June - Pretty much wedding planning........
            Oh wait!  You may address me as the Queen, or Madame President......ROAR!

July - That's right. Wedding

and an Anniversary......

A trip nawth......

August -  We rested - to hot to do anything else - have I mentioned I hate August.

September -  Jeff's 50th birthday!  A couple rings from the cannons and
                     we're "ringing" in his 50th year - or is it his 51st year?

October -  Bird hunting,

           Another Shop Hop - 9 fabric stores in 2 days.........

And a moose hunt.......

November -  Deer hunting season and Thanksgiving

December -  Christmas shopping and Christmas - that pretty much takes up the whole month!

So, what is it about looking back on the last year that makes your tummy tingle with excitement for the new year.

What I know 2012 will bring to me -
                      My 50th birthday - and remember,   50 is fabulous!
                      A year of excitement - after all I am starting it with a polar
                      dip and have promised myself that 50 is the year if firsts
                      More time with family and friends
What else will 2012 bring me that will make my heart jump with joy?  

I can't wait to see........                    

Put on your seatbelts people, it's gonna be a bumpy rideeeeeeeeeeeee...............